당신이 뽑은 "올해의 단어"는?
Even if it's so hard to confront of it, don't give up
There's nothing easy for you
There's no one easy for you
There's no dreams easy for you
Don't forget your starting mind
It was easy but it made to this position
and made you not to give up
and made you to endure
There's nothing easy in this world
But you have to remember
You say everything isn't easy now
But you should have to remember
You are in this position because you withstood those more uneasy guys
Don't be broken
Be alive
Whenever you're not in good road
even if it is the hardest
and even if it is the road
that everyone says impossible
If you think it's your way,
then it is your way, your future, your most valuable dream
Don't give up
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