How were we to know back then that all of that would change—that that would not be us forever, that after the first child the cigarettes would be gone forever, and after the second, the wine and late nights? - P15

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And yet, at times, there were still cracks in the dream, voices from the past that startled you, little winks from that other life, like that text message from Mitch that still glowed faintly on my phone. What happened to you, buddy? it read, in soft blue text. Where did you go? - P13

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There was always that sense that something I’d once owned had been lost, or left behind, abandoned. - P11

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When did I become the person who listened to such sounds and not the person who made them? - P11

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I’d always enjoyed sitting in it with a book and a glass of wine, sometimes a mixed drink. These were the simple pleasures of my life these days—the way I spent those two or three hours in the evenings after work, just after the kids had fallen asleep. Did I want more? - P10

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