The Warden, a tall dignified man with a grave but very pleasantface, was seated before a writing-table, which was covered withpapers, and holding on his knee one of the sweetest and loveliestlittle maidens it has ever been my lot to see.

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She looked four orfive years older than Bruno, but she had the same rosy cheeksand sparkling eyes, and the same wealth of curly brown hair.

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The Warden, a tall dignified man with a grave but very pleasantface, was seated before a writing-table, which was covered withpapers, and holding on his knee one of the sweetest and loveliest.
little maidens it has ever been my lot to see.

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Iknow not how it was-but, with the firstglimpse of the building, a sense ofinsufferable gloom pervaded my spirit.

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진실은 신은 모든 사람과 말한다는 것이다. 선한 사람과 악한 사람성인(聖人)과 악당 모두와 그 중간에 해당하는 우리 같은 사람들은더 말할 나위도 없고, 이 책을 읽는 여러분을 예로 들어보자.

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