still, large excuse must be madefor aman who had passed several years at the Court ofFairyland, and had there acquired the almost impossible art ofpronouncing five syllables as one.

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"She‘s with the Warden, I believe, y‘reince!" the Chancellor repliedwith a low bow. There was, no doubt, a certain amount ofabsurdity in applying this title

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I reined my horse to the precipitousbrink of a black and lurid tarn that lay inunruffled lustre by the dwelling, and gazeddown-but with a shudder eventhrilling than before-upon the remodelledand inverted images of the gray sedge, andthe ghastly tree-stems, and the vacant andeye-like windows.

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the details ofthe picture, would be sufficient to modify,
or perhaps to annihilate its capacity forsorrowful impression; and, acting upon thisidea, I reined my horse to the precipitousbrink of a black and lurid tarn that lay inunruffled lustre by the dwelling.

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She looked four orfive years older than Bruno, but she had the same rosy cheeksand sparkling eyes, and the same wealth of curly brown hair.

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