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Even if it's so hard to confront of it, don't give up

바쁘게 사는 세상!

요즘 우리들은 밥 먹는 시간 까지

아깝게 생각하고 지낸 것이 사살이다.

아침 조금 일찍 일어나서 아침 먹고 출근하면

되는데, 이것 저것 하다가 항상 밤 늦게 자고

아침 늦게 일어나서 그냥 빈속으로 출근하는

직장인이 한두명이 아니다.

그렇다면 책 읽는 시간은!

책 읽는 시간이 없어서 독서 못하시는 분들이여!

하루에 티비 보는 시간을 생각해보세요.

하루에 30분만 티비 덜 보시면 일주일에 3시간이 넘습니다.

아무리 바빠도 화장실은 가야하지요?

그럼, 화장실에 책 한 권 나두시고 큰일 볼 때마다

책을 읽으세요. 하루에 5분씩 투자하시면 일주일에

1시간 가까이 됩니다.

버스나 지하철 타시고 출 퇴근하신 분들,

물론 지금도 독서하신 분들이 많으시겠지만

지하철에 공짜로 주는 신문 보지 마시고

가방에 있는 책을 펼쳐보세요^^


사실요! 이 모든 방법들도 좋지만 더 가장 좋은

방법은 독서를 꼭 시간 내서 해야합니다.

제가 얼마나 책을 읽느냐의 문제가 아니라

제가 읽는 책이 나의것이 되느냐가 중요합니다.

책을 읽어서 제가 무엇을 얻었냐의 중요합니다.


Who reads, will leads.

Be a good reader as well as a good leader.

이 글은 테마카페에 등록된 테마입니다.
테마는 '먼댓글(트랙백)'이나 '댓글'을 이용하여, 하나의 주제(테마)를 놓고 여럿이 함께 얘기할 수 있는 기능입니다. 
테마카페 바로가기 >>

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"Put your troubles in a pocket with a hole in it."

--Old Postcard

We always have ups and downs.
Sometimes we are very happy and
sometimes sad. Troubles are problems
and difficulties. We can't avoid from 
different kinds of difficulties and problems.

What we can do is cope with our difficulties
and sometimes just let them go.

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New year comes and goes. But it doesn't just come and go, it brings new hopes and desires. Every year, we make some tasks or duties and do our best to fulfil it.


Lunar New Year! it was totally new for me for the first time. We also have lunar new year in Nepal but we don't celebrate it. We just have one day holiday. We don't think this day as a festival like we do here in Korea.


Time passed and I have celebrated lunar new year holidays about nine times here in Korea. It's one of the biggest festival here in Korea and we'll have at least three days to one week holidays. I had five days holiday this year including Saturday.


It had started by 6th of February. February 5th was my working day. After my work, I visited to my brother's dormitory. There were other Nepali brothers and sisters. Had my dinner with them and talked until midnight.


On 6th, they left that home. Actually, that house was pretty good with three rooms with a good kitchen. But the boiler in that house was not in order. Every room was just like ice even they on their boiler and rise up the temperature. So they had decided to leave that house.


One civil engineer, Bang-ho and pastor of near by church helped us to move that house. I also worked with them. To move a house is really hard and tired. Without arranging the things, we went to the church with some Samgyabsal and sea-food to have our dinner. It was  Wednesday; so we took the Wednesday evening praying service and enjoyed dinner with many people.


On 7th Feb, returned back to my dormitory and took a short rest. Washed my clothes and cleaned my room. In the afternoon, went to Hwakokdong to join the meeting of our broadcasting media's friends. There were five members and producer of that programme. We talked about many things about programme, personal things, future plans and so on. It took about 5 hours to go and return.


On 8th, did nothing. Just stayed at Nepali friends dormitory all day long and enjoyed different kinds of Nepali food. But 9th Saturday, we had a blast. Two Korean friends visited us. We Nepalese were six including I and 8 all together including my Korean friends. We made some damplings together, fruit jacks and Nepali food. Some of my Nepali friends are new to Korea so that they can't understand Korean and my Korean friends also can't use Nepali. It was very fun to see their chating^^ I did my best to translate one language to another. I always enjoy it.


10th, Sunday is always fun and important. We have started English talking group in my church. There are many small groups. In our group, there are about 6 members. We all are not good in English but doing our best to improve it. I'm sure, we do it^^


I hope everyone had a greatful Seol-nal holidays here in Korea or abroad. I hope this year brings success and happiness in everyones' life^^

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"A happy man is too satisfied
with the present to dwell too
much on the future."


'The Present' book by Spenser Johnson
says that the present is PRESENT(gift).
What we have right now is itself a
gift so why don't we be happy!

If we are satisfy with the things we have
now, we'll be  happier  in the future.

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"There are people who put their dreams in a little box 
and say, 'Yes, I've got dreams, of course I've got dreams.' 
Then they put the box away and bring it out
once in awhile to look in it, and yep,
they are still there. These are great dreams,
but they never even get out of the box. 
It takes an uncommon amount of guts to 
put your drems on the line, to hold them up
and say, 'How good or bad am I?' 
That's where courage comes in."
--Erma Bombeck

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