주요 제품라인은 쿼드라Quadra... 퍼포마Performa...

The Macintosh Quadra 700 was introduced along with the Quadra 900 in October 1991 as Apple's first computers to use the Motorola 68040 processor...Wikipedia  

The Macintosh Performa series was Apple Computer's consumer product family of Apple Macintosh personal computers from 1992 until 1997, when the introduction of the Power Macintosh 5x00 series ended this product line...Wikipedia

Mac Systems: Apple: Macintosh Quadra Series
Apple's Macintosh Quadra series was sold from October 1991 to October 1995. It consisted of systems for business and graphics, while similar models for education were part of the LC series, and consumers part of the Performa series.  

Mac Systems: Apple: Macintosh Performa Series
Apple's Macintosh Performa series was sold from September 1992 to August 1997. The Performa line consisted primarily of repackaged Macs from other series with consumer-friendly configurations and software bundles. Unfortunately, many consumers were confused by subtle and often insignificant differences between models, sometimes varying only by the location sold. 

Apple Quadra Ad  

Apple Macintosh Performa - 1994 Commercial (YouTube)


Apple 제품 라인업 보기 - 애플 전 제품의 '모델', '년도' '이미지'를 거의 다 볼 수 있는 것 같다. 

Apple의 구형 및 단종 제품 보기 - 애플에서 정리한 구형 혹은 단종 제품들이다. 제품들이 이렇게 많았는데 4가지로 (그것도 조합해서) 단순화 시킨 것은 정말로 대단한 일이다.

쿼드라 Quadra

퍼포마 Performa

Apple의 이전 제품들(매킨토시 클래식) 이미지 보기 - 이전의 제품들이 사진과 함께 한번에 볼 수 있다. Macintosh Classic 이 눈에 띤다. 다 옛날에 보던 제품들이다.

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