Herbert Blomstedt's Beethoven cycle with the Staatskapelle Dresden is one of the great ones, as much for the magnificent playing of this finest of all German orchestras as for Blomstedt's effortlessly musical interpretations. The only possible weak link here might be the first movement of the Fifth, which lacks the sheer intensity that, say, Carlos Kleiber brings to it. On the other hand, Blomstedt's more emotionally balanced conception is so well realized that I'm inclined to give him credit for bringing off an unconventional interpretation, particularly as the remainder of the symphony lacks for nothing in excitement or sheer power.

Highlights of this cycle are many: a grand and glorious Eroica, a lithe and lyrical Second and Fourth, a pellucid Sixth with luminous wind playing, an exciting Ninth sporting fantastically buoyant strings in the Scherzo and a marvelously well sung finale, and a transcendentally great performance of the Seventh, with rip-roaring horns and perfect pacing throughout. The recordings, made in Dresden's Lucaskirche in the late 1970s and early '80s, put a silvery sheen around the players (winds especially) and strike an excellent balance between clarity and warmth. At the Brilliant Classics price, you can't afford not to own this set. [6/23/2002]

--David Hurwitz

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abbado 2004-08-29 13:34   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
D’excellents enregistrements des années 1975-80, impeccablement dirigés par le maître Herbert Blomstedt avec la superbe Staatskapelle de Dresde : que faut-il de plus ? Un livret d’accompagnement, qui vous apprendrait quoi que ce soit que vous ne sauriez déjà ?? Puis quoi encore ??? Pour les neuf symphonies de Beethoven ???? À ce prix imbattable ????? Avec une Neuvième chantée par Theo Adam et Peter Schreier ?????? Non, trois fois non ! Cliquez sur le bouton “commande” !! Sans attendre !!! Buy now !!!! Une glace à la pastèque (deux boules) offerte aux dix premiers acheteurs (envoi par la poste au tarif lent).