The Gift (Mass Market Paperback, Reprint)
Steel, Danielle / Dell Pub Co / 1996년 2월
평점 :

˝It‘s like an eternal progression of people coming through our lives. Nothing is forever, but there‘s a continuing stream of people who go through our lives and continue with us.. nothing just stops and stays... but it flows on... like a river. Does that sound crazy?˝
˝No, it doesn‘t. I just don‘t like the part about the progression of people, coming and going in our lives. I‘d like it better if people stayed. I wish Annie were still here, and I don‘t want ‘someone else‘ after you, Maribeth. What‘s wrong with staying?˝
˝We can‘t always do that,˝ she said, ˝sometimes we have to move on. Like Annie. We‘re not always given a choice.˝
˝I don‘t like that, Maribeth. At some point, people have to stay.˝
˝Some do. Some don‘t. Some can‘t. We just have to love them while we can, and learn whatever we‘re meant to from them.˝ - p.130, 131

Sometimes life made you give up what you loved most. Sometimes there were no compromises or bargains. - p.226

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