바람의 검심 1
NOBUHRO WATSUKI 지음 / 서울미디어코믹스(서울문화사) / 1998년 11월
평점 :

Rurouni Kenshin is set back in the time of feudal Japan. The story is now set ten years after Hitokiri Battosai disappeared when he single handedly saved the Meiji government. Taking up the name of Himura Kenshin, once the deadliest and most brutal swordsman is now a wandering ronin, swearing that he would not kill anymore. With his sword, the sakabatou, a sharpened blade on the wrong side of the sword allows him to fight without killing. Many have heard the legend, and Hitokiri Battousai is recognized by the X-scar on his left cheek.

One day a girl named Kaoru, hearing about Kenshin, went to enlist his help only to find that the legendary Hitokiri is now a polite and gentleman. Slowly, she developed feelings for Kenshin which cause her a lot of pain when Kenshin decided to leave for a mission. Among the other cast are Sanosuke Sagara and Yahiko Myojin both who crossed paths with Kenshin. Sanosuke Sagara possessed great strength and learned a new fighting technique after his gigantic sword was broken by Kenshin. Yahiko was caught pickpocketing Kenshin's pocket. Finally they ended up staying together in the Kamiya Dojo, owned by Kaoru.

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파이브 스타 스토리 The Five Star Stories 9
나가노 마모루 지음 / 서울미디어코믹스(서울문화사) / 1999년 1월
평점 :

I've only seen te movie which is some sort of a preview to the manga story. However the plot is centred around the introduction of 2 new fatimas. Fatimas are the only one who can combine with those headliners which are just plain robots and make them more efficient. And in this story there's two fatimas who are sisters and they are being held captive by the prime minister of the country. From the Joker system then arrives the Sun King who is disguised as Ladios Sopp, a freelance headliner. He was some sort of a future lover of one of the fatimas, Lachesis. In this story he came to realise his love for Lachesis yet could not for the Sun King hates all fatimas. Also are the introduction of the president of the country to check on the assumed black market trading by the prime minister. In the end, the story concludes into the future of Five Satr Stories of the manga.

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환상게임 1
와타세 유 지음 / 서울미디어코믹스(서울문화사) / 2000년 7월
평점 :

The story of Fushigi Yuugi starts when two young girls called Miaka and Yui found a book entitled the Four Gods of Heaven And Earth. As they are reading the book and wondering about the story the book tells they were absorbed into the book to relive the life and destiny of the four gods. One who is Miaka and the other is Yui were the girls absorbed into the world of ancient China with two warring states, Konan and Kotou, the former ruled by Hotohori and the latter lead by the evil Nakago. The story unfolds as two best friends destined to be enemies as Miaka is the priestess of Konan while Yui is the priestess of Kotou.Each priestess is guarded by seven seishis.

Not only are they enemies in war but in love too as both fall for Tamahome, a superb martial artist who is also a seishi of Suzaku. Yui was then seduced by Nakago and in turn helped him look for Kotou's seishis. As the story goes many seishis will be found and be gone too as to fulfill the destiny of the four gods. Will Yui and Miaka returned to their homeworld? Will their love for their respectable seishis blossomed? The Fushigi Yuugi world is full of romance, drama, humor and action. This anime is really emotional at times while also humorous (check out its SD !) This is one of the best series in the market so far.

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바스타드 1
하기와라 카즈시 지음 / 대원씨아이(만화) / 2000년 11월
평점 :

Fifteen years ago, Dark Schneider went on a rampage with five of his allies, hoping to recreate an utopia out of the destruction. However, he is later trapped by clerics in the body of a young boy, Rusie Ren Ren. His followers then, Abigail, Kall-Su, Gara and Arshes Nei were not heard of. Fifteen years later, the four again went on a campaign to conquer the world but this time with other intentions. Too defeat them, the clerics have decided to free Dark Schneider by giving Rusie a virgin's kiss by Tiara Nort Yoko, the daughter of the head cleric who trapped Dark Schneider. With a little persuasion, Dark Schneider decided to track the four down to show them their errors.

But now, Dark Schneider has changed a lot, seeing and feeling through the eyes and heart of a little young boy has taught him a lot about life. Further more, whatever the boy feels he will fell it too. As Rusie is in love with Tiara, so does Dark Schneider. This is also one of the reasons why he has decided to re-educate his followers. The first to meet his wrath is Gara, the ninja master, then the Thunder Emperess, Arshes Nei followed by Abigail the dark cleric and thus lastly Kall-Su the king of ice. However, not only did Dark Schneider not kill them but show them their errors by sacrificing himself a few times, thus awakening each of them.

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천녀전설 아야 8
와타세 유 지음 / 대원씨아이(만화) / 2001년 5월
평점 :

Aya Mikage is a normal teenage girl until she reaches the age of 16. Aya found out that when truly shaken psychologically, she transformed to the cold and ruthless Ceres, who's looking for revenge on the Mikage family. That's the reason why her own family decided to kill her on her 16th birthday and imprison her brother. In order to regain her normal life she struggles with the ever twisting fate of her being the reborned Ceres.

Futhermore, she has to thwart all attempts at murdering her, plotted by none other than her own family. Aya has to find a way to rescue her beloved brother and while doing so, more and more reborned Tennyos appear and mysteriously a boy named Yuuhi is set to protect her with his life. However, evil lurks in every corner and in the form of Kagami, Aya's cousin who employs Tooya to secretly observe Aya and Ceres. Little did Kagami knew, that the daily observation have led Tooya to slowly fall in love with Aya.

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