It is terribly true, even if the truth does not comfort, that if you look at the moon for long enough night after night, asI have, you will see that the old cartoons are correct, that the moon is, in fact, laughing. But it is not laughing at us,
we lonely humans, who are far too small and our lives far too fleeting for it to give us any notice at all.

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모든 시간과 내 몸과 내 그림자와 달에 더해서, 우리가 소리지르지않고 소리지를 수 없는 그 모든 것의 무게 아래 웅크리고 있는 서로를 보게 될 것이다. 진실은 위로가 되지 못하지만 이것은 아주분명한 진실이다. 내가 그랬듯 밤마다 오래오래 달을 쳐다보면 옛날 만화가 맞는다는 사실을, 달은 사실 웃고 있는 거라는 사실을알게 될 것이다. 하지만 달이 보고 웃는 대상은 우리가 아니다. 우리 외로운 인간은 너무 작고, 달이 우리를 조금이라도 알아차리기에 우리 삶은 너무 순식간이다.

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날이 어두워졌다. 도와줘요, 누구 없어요? 도와줘요, 그녀는계속 반복했다. 누군가 올 것이다. 와야 했다. 그녀는 겁을 집어먹지 않으려고 애썼다. 아버지를 떠올렸다. 아버지는 인생을 한문장으로 설명할 줄 알았다. "삶은 우릴 때려눕히고 우린 다시일어나는 거야. 그게 전부야." 아버지는 단 하나의 좋은 점만을인식했다. 무슨 일이 일어났는지 아버지가 듣는다면, 당신의 딸이 단지 거기 누워 있을 뿐이라는 것만 들을 것이다. 그녀는 집에 가려고 노력해야 했다. 아주 조금밖에 가지 못하더라도, 몇야드밖에 가지 못하더라도,

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‘Well,‘ she said, cutting me off, ‘he only found outyesterday. It was one of several little bombshells I detonatedin front of him.‘
‘But I thought the two of you hadn‘t been ...‘
"There was a brief interlude a couple of months agoshortly after I met you on the island – when Philip decidedto start sharing our life again, and actually seemed to havefallen back in love with me ... as I did with him. But thatonly lasted three months. Then he got all withdrawn again.
And so, when I found out I was pregnant, I simply didn‘ttell him. Until yesterday, that is. And do you know whathe said? Nothing? Complete silence.‘

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I drove all night. I drove all day. I kept myself awake bypopping Dexedrine and mainlining gas station coffee. Istopped only to fill the car, empty my bladder, grab fast food,
and dispose of stuff from the boat. I scattered evidence inmunicipal dumps across three states. When I was running lowon gas I avoided small service stations, sticking to the big crowded truck stop plazas that lined the highway. I paid cashfor everything. I was on the road for nineteen hours. I blared heavy metal on the car radio to stay awake, paying scant atten-tion to the passing landscape. I concentrated on numbers.
Interstate numbers: 95 to 78 to 76 to 70. I bypassed New York and Newark and Harrisburg and Pittsburgh and Columbus and Indianapolis and St Louis. I never exceeded the speedlimit. I never switched lanes suddenly. I never tailgated. I did nothing that might draw attention to myself. I just kept mov-ing west.
On the outskirts of Kansas City, my brain went haywire.

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