Nick brought it up so nonchalantly, as he was sorting the laun-dry on the Sunday afternoon before their big trip. ApparentlyNick‘sparents had only just been informed that Rachel wascoming with him to Singapore. And oh, by the way, they hadjust been made aware of her existence too.
"I don‘t quite understand . . . you mean your parents never knewabout me in all this time?" Rachel asked in astonishment.
"Yes. I mean, no, they didn‘t. But you need to know this hasabsolutely nothing to do with you—" Nick began.
"Well, it‘s a little hard not to take it personally."
"Please don‘t. I‘m sorry if it seems that way.
It‘s just that...?
Nick swallowed nervously. "It‘s just that I‘ve always tried tokeep clear boundaries between my personal life and my familylife, that‘s all."

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At last Hal arrived, entirely disheveled, humbly begging my pardon-he had been ordered to accompany the king on a hunt. Even with his hose mud-died and his cap askew, Hal Percy sparked a flame inme. I sent Nell to stand watch, and together Hal andI knelt in the bower. Without a priest or any wit-ness save God above, we joined hands and pledgedourselves to each other, sealing our pledge with apassionate kiss.
Thereafter, foolishly believing there was no fur-ther need for secrecy, we were entirely open aboutbeing sweethearts. I looked forward to a fine futureas Hal‘s wife. At last I was happy.

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THE FIRST IMPORTANT event after my arrival at the court of Henry VIII was the celebration of Candlemas on the second of February, honoring the puri-fication of the Virgin Mary. With the queen and her retinue, I attended Mass celebrated by Cardinal Wolsey. He was a rotund figure robed in crimson, with cold eyes and a chilling smile. I disliked him on sight.

Oh, but King Henry was all anyone could wish for! At the feast that followed the blessing of the candles, I could scarcely take my eyes from him. He seemed at the age of thirty-one almost godlike, the tallest man in the court, the most vigorous and forceful of manner, and the most splendid in his person.
Dressed in opulent robes studded with jewels and seated beneath his richly embroidered cloth of estate,
King Henry made every man around him seem insignificant by comparison.

Next to him sat his wife, Queen Catherine. Amuch older woman whose looks had long since faded, she presented an unfortunate contrast to her husband. Also present was the king‘s six-year-old daughter, Princess Mary, a delicate child with her father‘s red-gold hair and blue eyes.

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It had been three years since Mary went home to England. Now she‘d come back to France, and I wished to show her how much I had changed. She would see that I was no longer the ill-favored child she’d once taunted. I was now a fine young lady ofthe court! But first I had to find her.
Permission to go in search of my sister would ever have been granted by the mother of the maids, the squint-eyed Madame Mathilde, and so I determined to go without asking. I dressed in one of my prettiest gowns and restlessly awaited my chance to slip away.

It had been three years since Mary went home to England. Now she‘d come back to France, and I wished to show her how much I had changed. She would see that I was no longer the ill-favored child she’d once taunted. I was now a fine young lady ofthe court! But first I had to find her.
Permission to go in search of my sister would ever have been granted by the mother of the maids, the squint-eyed Madame Mathilde, and so I determined to go without asking. I dressed in one of my prettiest gowns and restlessly awaited my chance to slip away.

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"You‘re kidding, right?" Rachel said, thinking Nick was pull-ing a prank when he steered her onto the plush red carpet ofthe Singapore Airlines first-class counter at JFK.
Nick flashed a conspiratorial grin, relishing her reaction. "Ifigured if you were going to go halfway around the world withme, I should at least try to make it as comfy as possible."
"But this must have cost a fortune! You didn‘t have to sell akidney, did you?"
"No worries, I had about a million frequent-flier milessaved up."

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