I watch it. I close my eyes so I don‘t have to. Thank Godthe only things you can hear are the sounds of the woodsand the hot tub water bubbling. "Is it... is it as bad as I‘mremembering? I mean, does it really look like we‘re havingsex? Be honest." I open my eyes.
Margot‘s peering at it, head tilted. "No, it really doesn‘t. Itjust looks like..."
"Like a hot makeout," Chris supplies.
"Right," Margot agrees. "Just a hot makeout."
"You guys swear?"
In unison they say, "We swear."
"Kitty?" I ask.
She bites her lip. "It looks like sex to me, but I‘m theonly one here besides you who‘s never had sex, so what doI know?" Margot lets out a gasp. "Sorry, I read your diary."
Margot swats at her, and Kitty crawls away fast like a crab.

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