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Sports Car International (격월간 미국판): 2008년 07월호 - 영어, 연간 6회 발행
Sports Car International 편집부 지음 / Ross Periodicals Inc / 2008년 7월
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2009 미술작품 가격
미술품가격 정보 연구소 엮음 / 오픈아트 / 2008년 12월
8,000원 → 7,200원(10%할인) / 마일리지 400원(5% 적립)
2009년 01월 07일에 저장

Big Fat Cat Book & CD Set (빅팻캣 전7권 + 오디오 CD 4장 + 찰리와 초콜릿 공장)
무코야마 다카히코.다카시 마데츠오.studio ET CETERA 지음, 김은하 옮김 / 윌북 / 2007년 9월
72,000원 → 64,800원(10%할인) / 마일리지 3,600원(5% 적립)
2008년 08월 29일에 저장
초콜릿 코스모스
온다 리쿠 지음, 권영주 옮김 / 북폴리오 / 2008년 5월
12,000원 → 10,800원(10%할인) / 마일리지 600원(5% 적립)
2008년 06월 23일에 저장

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현장공정 투어

every film has a different journey and a record of that experience is avaluable insight to either what went right or what went wrong. It’s mypleasure to share that with anyone who wants to look a little deeperinto my process.


During the summer of 1941, 14-year-old Charlotte, her older sister Meg, and her younger adopted brother, Will, as well as their two cousins, are staying with Mr. and Miss Warder, who run a failing guesthouse called Gull Walk. Charlotte soon notices strange things; Will seems to have a detachable shadow, and a talking cat keeps bothering her. Meanwhile, the ancient denizens of the nearby Darkwood (a wood from which magical creatures have not been driven out or killed) are hopeful that their Prince-Will-has finally arrived to save them from evil Mudwalkers, as they call humans. Will is both excited and frightened to discover his real identity, but protective Charlotte is determined to keep him from giving up his human life. Danger threatens the Darkwood in the form of the evil Fletchers, boarders at Gull Walk. An atmosphere of menace grows, but rather slowly, and when the villains finally attack, the scene is rather anticlimactic. The creatures of these woods-the Fox Fairy, the Midwife Tree, and others-are fascinating, but readers aren't told much about their histories or functions. There are more human characters than are necessary and, compared to the magical creatures, they all seem rather flat; even the Fletchers come across as banal and complaining. The most interesting part of the story, but one that is not developed to its greatest effect, is Will's emotional turmoil as he is torn between his noble destiny and his love of his human family, and Charlotte's dilemma as she realizes that keeping Will human means sacrificing the Darkwood.

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찰리 채플린 베스트 컬렉션 (10disc) [알라딘 특가]- 슬림케이스 (재고 소진 후 절판예정)
찰리 채플린 감독, 찰리 채플린 출연 / 기타 (DVD) / 2007년 2월
49,800원 → 9,800원(80%할인) / 마일리지 100원(1% 적립)
2007년 09월 12일에 저장

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