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추의 역사 에코 앤솔로지 시리즈 2
움베르토 에코 지음, 오숙은 옮김 / 열린책들 / 2008년 12월
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Winespectator's 2005 Top 100

In 2005, for the first time, Syrah dominates our annual Top 100: Nearly one of every four wines on our list of the year's most exciting releases is either a varietal Syrah or a blend containing the variety. Whether grown in its traditional home in France's Rhône Valley, expanding its realm in Australia, or colonizing vineyards in Italy, Chile, South Africa and beyond, Syrah is the source of top-quality wines.

This global groundswell of Syrah reflects the steady enlargement of the world of fine wine in general; 11 countries contributed wines to this year's list. However, the old guard still leads the way. California represents about one-quarter of our Top 100, including five of the top 10 rankings. France and Italy are next in line.

This year, Wine Spectator editors tasted more than 12,400 wines. Of these, more than 2,500 rated outstanding (90 points or higher on our 100-point scale). These were the initial candidates for the Top 100. We apply four criteria to determine the final selections: quality (as represented by score); value (as reflected by release price); availability (measured by case production, or for international wines, the number of cases imported); and an X-factor we call excitement.

No equation determines the final selections; the choices reflect our editors' judgment and enthusiasm about the wines tasted by Wine Spectator in 2005.

We are always impressed by wines that deliver value. In 1988, the year the Top 100 debuted, the average price of the wines on the list was $40. This year, despite the cumulative effects of inflation and the weak dollar, the average price is just $43 and change. (For even more value wines, see our chart of this year's outstanding releases at $15 or less). The rounded average score of the wines of this year's Top 100 is 92 points.

For complete tasting notes on the Top 100 wines, see the Buying Guide in the Dec. 31, 2005-Jan. 15, 2006 issue of Wine Spectator magazine. Tasting coordinators MaryAnn Worobiec Bovio, Jo Cooke and Alison Napjus, assistant tasting coordinator John Siudut and associate editor Mitch Frank contributed to the profiles. We hope you enjoy the exciting values, emerging stars and classic wines that make up Wine Spectator's 2005 Top 100.

-Bruce Sanderson
숨37° 로시크 스페셜 기획세트
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63,000원 → 54,800원(13%할인) / 마일리지 550원(1% 적립)
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18,600원 → 15,500원(17%할인) / 마일리지 160원(1% 적립)
2008년 11월 26일에 저장

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멘델스존 (Mendelssohn) 작곡, Eugene Ormandy 지휘, Rudolf S / 소니뮤직(SonyMusic) / 2005년 12월
14,500원 → 12,300원(15%할인) / 마일리지 130원(1% 적립)
2009년 09월 25일에 저장
그저 좋은 사람
줌파 라히리 지음, 박상미 옮김 / 마음산책 / 2009년 9월
13,000원 → 11,700원(10%할인) / 마일리지 650원(5% 적립)
*지금 주문하면 "3월 12일 출고" 예상(출고후 1~2일 이내 수령)
2009년 09월 25일에 저장

영화인문학- 어울림의 무늬, 혹은 어긋남의 흔적
김영민 지음 / 글항아리 / 2009년 8월
15,000원 → 13,500원(10%할인) / 마일리지 750원(5% 적립)
*지금 주문하면 "3월 13일 출고" 예상(출고후 1~2일 이내 수령)
2009년 08월 14일에 저장

100℃- 뜨거운 기억, 6월민주항쟁
최규석 지음 / 창비 / 2009년 6월
12,000원 → 10,800원(10%할인) / 마일리지 120원(1% 적립)
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