1. cover her face (1962)
  2. a mind to murder (1963)
  3. unnatural causes (1967)
  4. shroud for a nightingale (1971)          CWA Macallan Silver Dagger
  5. the black tower (1975)                     CWA Macallan Silver Dagger
  6. death of an expert witness (1977)
  7. a taste for death (1986)                   CWA Macallan Silver Dagger
  8. devices and desires (1989)
  9. original sin (1994)
  10. a certain justice (1997)
  11. death in holy orders (2001)
  12. the murder room  (2003)
  13. the lighthousehouse (2005)
  14. the private patient (2008)  

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1987 CWA Cartier Diamond Dagger (lifetime achievement award)