프로야구 스카우팅 리포트 : 베이스볼 2011
강명호 외 지음 / 한국경제신문 / 2011년 3월
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프로야구 2011 스카우팅 리포트
박정욱 외 지음 / (주)스포츠미디어 / 2011년 3월
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Matilda (Paperback, 미국판) - 뮤지컬 <마틸다> 원서 Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 4
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

A lot of people says that it's a fun story but I don't, because I think it's a bit TERRIBLE. Why? There whole family went to Spain without their daughther,Matilda.  Well sometimes I think it's a little bit poor for Matilda.  

However Matilda is REALLY REALLY clever because she can read a lot of books and she's only 5 years old!!! And she knows math PERFECTLY!!! And now i'm 9 and I can't add that fast!! I think she's a GENIUS!! 

She's not worried about her Mom and Dad because she has Ms. honey on her side.... well............I think her parents are never helped or help others or be kind etc.

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