‘비만에 다리까지 짧아서 말에 오르지 못해 가마를 타고 다녔다‘, ‘쿄토의 귀족 문화를 동경한 나머지, 얼굴에 새하얀 화장을 하고 이도 검게 물들였다‘는 등 외모부터 성격에 능력까지 전반적으로 비하가 심하다. 8259
止まる, とまる, 留まる, 停まる,駐まる, 止る, 留るGodan verb1. to stop (moving), to come to a stop2. to stop (doing, working, being supplied)...3. to alight, to perch on
その後、永禄3年(1560年)、出仕停止を受けていたのにも関わらず、信長に無断で桶狭間の戦いに参加して朝の合戦で首一つ、本戦で二つの計三つの首を挙げる功を立てるも、帰参は許されなかった。Later in 1560, while Toshiie had been sentenced to prohibition of serving, he took part in the Battle of Okehazama without Nobunaga‘s permission, and he made achievements of killing enemies and severing three heads in total, one in the morning battle and two in the final battle, but he was not allowed to return to the service for Nobunaga.
なかぬなら 殺してしまへ 時鳥 - 織田右府(울지 않으면 죽여버릴 터이니 시조야 - ˝오다 노부나가˝ 오다 우후]鳴かずとも なかして見せふ 杜鵑 - 豊太閤(울지 않으면 울려 보이마 두견새야 - 도요토미 히데요시˝ 호타이코](도요 태합))なかぬなら 鳴まで待よ 郭公 - 大權現様(울지 않으면 울 때까지 기다리마 곽공이여 - ˝도쿠가와 이에야스˝ 다이곤겐사마]
It’s astonishing how much he achieved and how long he lived considering the turbulent and chaotic age he was born into, but through patience, cunning, and subtlety he outlived his more dramatic contemporaries, including Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, to become the most powerful man in the land, reuniting the country and establishing a dynasty that lasted almost three centuries. One of history’s great figures and a founding father of modern Japan.