A man really becomes a man when he accepts total responsibility-he is responsible for whatsoever he is.
This is the first courage, the greatest courage.

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Don’t impose your decision because the decision will be from the past and it will destroy the new. You just act in the mo-ment like a child.

Utterly abandon yourself to the moment-and you will find every day new openings, new light, new insight. And those new insights will go on changing you. One day, suddenly you will see you are each moment new. The old no more lingers and hangs around you like a cloud. You are like a dewdrop, fresh and young.

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The way to God !

What Jesus did was his own heart‘s whispering, and what Christians go on doing is not their own hearts‘ whispering.

Theyare imitators and the moment you imitate you insult your hu-manity, you insult your God.

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봉헌의 길 ( 신에게 나늘 드리는 길)

행동의 결과에 연연해하지 마십시오. 행위 자체에주의를 기울이십시오. 그 열매는 저절로 열릴 것입니다. 이것이야말로 강력한 영적 수행입니다.

존재에관한 가장 오래되고 가장 아름다운 영적 가르침 중하나인 ‘바가바드기타‘ 에서는 행위의 결과에 연연하지 않는 것을 ‘봉헌의 길‘로묘사했습니다.

지금에서 이탈해서 쫓기듯 사는 것을 멈추면 나의 하는 모든 일에 존재의 기쁨이 흘러들 것입니다

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