The Rule of Love: Broken, Fulfilled, and Applied (Hardcover) - Broken, Fulfilled, and Applied
J. V. Fesko / Reformation Heritage Books / 2010년 11월
평점 :

열번째 계명에서 우리는 탐심에 대한 금지 뿐만 아니라, 하나님의 전적인 뜻에 만족하시고 하늘의 것을 구한 예수 그리스도를 바라봐야 한다! 우리도 그분이 가신 그 삶을 소망하며 연습한다!

Christ did not pursue the short-cut that Satan offered, to rule over all the nations, but instead was content to follow the will of His heavenly Father. He had His sight set on waiting for His Father to give Him rule over the nations.

When we read the tenth commandment, then, we should not simply see a prohibition against coveting by the possessions of others but instead see Christ‘s contentment in the will of His heavenly Father and His pursuit of heavenly things. - P106

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