Art is Life : Icons & Iconoclasts, Visionaries & Vigilantes, & Flashes of Hope in the Night (Hardcover)
Jerry Saltz / Octopus / 2022년 11월
평점 :

The artist loves going down rabbit holes, working toward and against something at the same time, translating sensory and extrasensory impressions that all have their own sovereignty or joy, each of them on a journey to bring something back from a personal underworld, to build a new body out of disparate parts and materials. In this way, art is something like an undoing of death.
…it slows us down, places us in some epistemological estuary, takes us into the wild. We make art from our flaws, fragilities, perversities, from our need to communicate or be entertained or stave off death, to create our own mating dances, to deliver our own children, to mourn.

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Art is Life : Icons & Iconoclasts, Visionaries & Vigilantes, & Flashes of Hope in the Night (Hardcover)
Jerry Saltz / Octopus / 2022년 11월
평점 :

things are more than the sums of their parts, where—in violation of all natural law—objects give off more energy than went into their making.

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On Misdirection: Magic, Mayhem, American Politics (Paperback)
Megan Garber / Zando / 2023년 1월
평점 :

War, in the field, rationalizes behavior that would be deemed immoral in times of peace. War, used as language, can amount to a similar kind of exceptionalism. If your side is the right side, you might do whatever it takes to make sure that your side keeps winning. You can justify a lot in the name of liberty.

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Whole Brain Living: The Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Life (Hardcover) - 『나를 알고 싶을 때 뇌과학을 공부합니다』원서
Jill Bolte Taylor / Hay House / 2021년 5월
평점 :

each of my two hemispheres is the home to very specific and predictable characters.

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Whole Brain Living: The Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Life (Hardcover) - 『나를 알고 싶을 때 뇌과학을 공부합니다』원서
Jill Bolte Taylor / Hay House / 2021년 5월
평점 :

natural duality. As a result, it is normal for us to endure an ongoing internal conflict, based completely on the two uniquely autonomous perspectives of our left and right brains.

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