Whole Brain Living: The Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Life (Hardcover) - 『나를 알고 싶을 때 뇌과학을 공부합니다』원서
Jill Bolte Taylor / Hay House / 2021년 5월
평점 :

But if their goal was to create more rounded, whole-brained children, a better plan might have been for them to encourage their kids to partake in activities at which they did not excel.

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아직 우리에겐 시간이 있으니까
듀나 외 지음 / 한겨레출판 / 2017년 8월
평점 :

중심이란, 경계선이 명확한 지역을 지칭하는 말이 아니었다. 그러나 그게 어디가 됐든 자신이 닿을 수 있는 곳이 아니라는 사실만은 분명히 알 수 있었다.

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On Misdirection: Magic, Mayhem, American Politics (Paperback)
Megan Garber / Zando / 2023년 1월
평점 :

Jokes, in other words, with their charms and their appealing self-effacement and their plausible deniability (just kidding!), are helping people to do the messy work of democracy: to engage, to argue, and, as with Donald Trump, to launch a successful bid for the presidency of the United States.
… fun is fun, definitely, but, given its amorality, a pretty awkward ethic.

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Carrie Soto Is Back (Paperback)
테일러 젠킨스 레이드 / Random House Publishing Group / 2022년 8월
평점 :

it’s not just about how good you are at the game. It’s about how good you are at feeling the crowd when they are with you and ignoring the crowd when they aren’t. It’s about how swept up you can get in the momentum when winning, but also how defiant you can be when the tide turns against you.

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엘리베이터에 낀 그 남자는 어떻게 되었나 복복서가 x 김영하 소설
김영하 지음 / 복복서가 / 2020년 7월
평점 :

신문의 사회면을 장식하는 추잡한 거래로 환원될 뿐이다. 인간의 삶이란 그렇게 드라마틱하게 설계되어있지 않은 것이다.

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