Shorter of Breath: 8-Tracks. Aliens. Korea. Edmonton. and a Chance to Leave Lame-O Millennial Culture for the '70s! (Paperback)
Ken Eckert / Moldy Rutabaga Books / 2017년 6월
평점 :

Once I was finished with his book ‘shorter of breath’, I was amazed with his captivating narration to take us through many episodes that were intertwined with main characters including Alan, Coff, Sheila, Heather, etc.  

In the course of journeying in this novel, readers will appreciate his portrait of many scenes in modern history and sometimes get thrown into some essential questions the citizens of this world should ponder over.  Since H. G. Wellss seminal novel ‘The Time Machine,’ was published in 1895, many time travel stories have been born and appraised by readers and critics. His novel ‘shorter of breath’ will be unsurpassed by any other, in terms of originality, style, and spell-binding skill.

I highly recommend this novel, especially for those who are interested in Asian culture and modern history.  

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