House of Earth and Blood : Winner of the Goodreads Choice Best Fantasy 2020 (Paperback)
Sarah Maas / Bloomsbury Childrens Books / 2020년 3월
평점 :

역시 사라 제이 마스. 지 작가가 마법사예요. 이렇게 재밌고 흥미러운 책 쓰는게 쉽지 않은데 그보다 만드신 캐릭터랑 세계가 너무나 재밌습니다.  Whenever I hear that Sarah J. Maas is writing something new I can not - not be excited. She is such an amazing author. Each one of her books is different and thus special. If English is not your first language, do not worry it's totally ok to start to read Maas books. They are not written in simple language but are not extremely hard. Her writing takes you on a very memorable adventure where you are able to enjoy every single page. Crescent City is one of those books where you are enjoying every single page and can not wait for more. It is not a short book but trust me when I say it's still too short! Can't wait for the next one.. Super excited already! 

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