바스타드 1
하기와라 카즈시 지음 / 대원씨아이(만화) / 2000년 11월
평점 :

Fifteen years ago, Dark Schneider went on a rampage with five of his allies, hoping to recreate an utopia out of the destruction. However, he is later trapped by clerics in the body of a young boy, Rusie Ren Ren. His followers then, Abigail, Kall-Su, Gara and Arshes Nei were not heard of. Fifteen years later, the four again went on a campaign to conquer the world but this time with other intentions. Too defeat them, the clerics have decided to free Dark Schneider by giving Rusie a virgin's kiss by Tiara Nort Yoko, the daughter of the head cleric who trapped Dark Schneider. With a little persuasion, Dark Schneider decided to track the four down to show them their errors.

But now, Dark Schneider has changed a lot, seeing and feeling through the eyes and heart of a little young boy has taught him a lot about life. Further more, whatever the boy feels he will fell it too. As Rusie is in love with Tiara, so does Dark Schneider. This is also one of the reasons why he has decided to re-educate his followers. The first to meet his wrath is Gara, the ninja master, then the Thunder Emperess, Arshes Nei followed by Abigail the dark cleric and thus lastly Kall-Su the king of ice. However, not only did Dark Schneider not kill them but show them their errors by sacrificing himself a few times, thus awakening each of them.

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