1파운드의 복음 1
Takahashi Rumiko 지음 / 서울미디어코믹스(서울문화사) / 1999년 3월
평점 :

One Pound Gospel is a nice series. It's got the usual Rumiko Takahashi touch of fun and wit. I didn't find it as striking as her other works, though. But then again maybe it's because I'm not really into boxing. The plot is quite daring. It explores the potentials of a relationship that's considered taboo. We do have a novice nun as our female lead here, and this is a romantic comedy. Sister Angela is remarkably characterized. She feels all the things a girl her age should, and she doesn't act holier-than-thou. Her sense of duty to the church conflicts with what her heart tells her. OPG definitely has its golden moments.

My fave scene is when Sis Angela goes off to the local bar and unwittingly drinks her frustrations away. That was really funny. The art is charming, but seems like it's in a transitional phase. It seems drawn at a time when Rumiko was in the middle of refining her illustration style. It looks better than her older works but it's not as polished as her latest works. Still, it does get everything across.

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