여기는 그린우드 1
나스 유키에 지음, 장혜영 옮김 / 대원씨아이(만화) / 2000년 11월
평점 :

Koko wa Greenwood is one of those anime and manga you wish had more made for it. It manages to mix a unique witty, offbeat brand of humor with touching, serious situations of loss and love. Basically, it narrates the tale of a certain hard-lucked student name Hasegawa and his travails at a certain high school named Ryokurin Ryou or Greenwood for short.

The domitory can be best described as an 'asylum' run by the heads, Mitsuru and Shinobu whose crazy antics and pranks torment our protangonist, Hasegawa. And who can resist his roommate Shun who looks like a girl! Mix these elements together and you get one of the looniest comedies around!

But this is not just a comedy about dormitory life. We get to meet the looney families behind these characters! Take it from me, Greenwood is one of those rare Anime comedy gems you seldom find now in the often staid, crank-em-out, copycat anime machine out there. And how can you not like an anime where all the main characters have such cool looking shades of colored hair :)

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