패밀리 컴포 F. COMPO 1
호조 츠카사 지음 / 학산문화사(만화) / 1999년 9월
평점 :

A delightfully refreshing look at life with a family that's full of surprises, F.COMPO (FAMILY COMPO) is Hojo Tsukasa's latest manga series. However, unlike UNDER THE DAPPLE SHADE and RASH!!, F.COMPO has already proved that it can survive beyond the 3-manga volume lifespan. No longer in Shonen Jump, F.COMPO debuted in ALLMAN last year. And whether because of its new home, or the fun storyline, F.COMPO is still going strong.

After the death of his parents, protagonist Masahiko is invited to stay with relatives. Looking forward to a real family home environment, Masahiko soon learns that there's more to this family than meets the eye. But not to worry, Shion, the family daughter, is determined to broaden the way Masahiko looks at the world.

Meanwhile Sora, the father and a manga artist, watches as his daughter grows up. And his wife, Yukari, deals with the ghosts of her past. What makes this storyline interesting is that it doesn't always center on the kids. Although Masahiko is obviously the main character in the series, there are chapters where he does not make more than a cursory appearance. Each individual in the family seems to have their fair share of the limelight, which allows each character to really develop in the eyes of the reader. The reader never really feels like he/she is being wrenched from one character to another. And yet, the characters retain their unique identities, including their relative age differences and experiences.

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