강원국 백승권의 글쓰기 바이블
강원국.백승권.박사 지음 / CCC(씨씨씨) / 2020년 9월
평점 :

글쓰기에 자신없는 사람도 감히 쉽게 도전 할 수 있도록 용기를 주는 책이다. 다만 책만 믿고 정말 실천에 옮기려니, 그것이 마냥 쉽지만은 않다는 것이 현실. 네이버 오디오북으로도 들을 수 있어서, 종이책과 병행하면 좋다. 오디오북만으로는 휘발성이 강해서 기억속에 오래 남지 않는다.

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chapter 16
*It will be all over after tomorrow.

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chapter 15
*Then I am going with you. If you say no you‘re not, I‘m going anyway, here?

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*chapter 14
He was now posotively allergic to my presence when innpublic.
*she is not leaving this house until she wants to.
*you oughta let your mother know yor are here.
*I found myself suddenly unable to keep my eyes open.
*Maybe he does not have anywhere to run off to. . .

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chapter 13
*One must lie under certain circumstances and at all times when one can‘t do anything about them.
*My father never spoke so.
*When I heard that I knew he had come back to us.

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