Motorcycle Workshop Practice Techbook (Paperback, 2 Revised edition)
Haynes John / J H Haynes & Co Ltd / 2016년 12월
평점 :

 had a hard time figuring out what this book was all about only by it's description here on Amazon. There was a lot of reviews, but they all seem from folks who already knew what this book was, or from teacher and workshop students.

I know that the title seems self explanatory, but it isn't. This is a book that will teach you all about tools: how to use them, what are they for, tips, tricks and much more. If you are new to motorcycle mechanics, this is a great help.

It's not a "coffe table" book, with beautiful pictures and glossy pages. It looks more like a schoolbook, with black and white pictures and cheap paper. But it really does the job. If you are like me, who didn't have any formal training in mechanics and like to learn on its own, its a perfect book.

I've never had any grease monkey around to teach me stuff, and I've never taken a workshop class in my life. This is the kind of book that fills that void in my education, teaching me things I would have to learn the hard way.

I highly recommended it to all the self taught grease monkeys out there. You can't go wrong with it.

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