

This, too, will, pass.

이또한 지나가리라

When you become aware of the transience of all forms, your attachment to them lessens, and you disidentify from them to some extent. All such suffering is due to an over-valuation of form and an unawareness of the dimension of inner space.

Their minds are filled up with the clutter of thoughts one thought after another. This is the dimension of object consciousness that is many people’s predominant reality, that is why their lives are so out of balance. 

꼬리에 꼬리를 무는 생각. 단 한 순간이라도 생각을 멈출 수 있다면. 생각을 멈추는 일이 이토록 어려운 일인가. 

Awareness implies that you are not only conscious of things (objects), but you are also conscious of being conscious. If you can sense an alert inner stillness in the background while things happen in the foreground - that’s it!

의식하고 있는 걸 의식하는 것. 메타인지.

A short attention span makes all your perceptions and relationships shallow and unsatisfying. Whatever you do, whatever action you perform in that state, lacks quality, because quality requires attention.

아주 조금만 피드를 올려도 금방 지치는 이유.

When you hear of inner space, you may start seeking it, and because you are seeking it as if you were looking for an object or for an experience, you cannot find it. This is the dilemma of all those who are seeking spiritual realization or enlightenment. 

찾으려 하면 안 보여!

The kingdom of God is in the midst of you.

Don’t look for it as if you were looking for something. You cannot pin it down and say, “Now I have it,” or grasp it mentally and define it in some way. The form of little things leaves room for inner space. And it is from inner space, the unconditioned consciousness itself, that true happiness, the joy of Being, emanates. To be aware of little, quite things, however, you need to be quiet inside. A high degree of alertness is required. Be still. Look. Listen. Be present.


If action is possible or necessary, you take action or rather right action happens through you.

네가 춤추는 것이 아니라 춤이 너를 추도록.

All creativity comes out of inner spaciousness.

강박적일 때 좋은 것이 나오긴 어렵다. 내 안의 영혼이 마음껏 자유롭게 뛰어놀 수 있는 널따란 마당이 펼쳐져야. 

Some people feel more alive when they travel and visit unfamiliar places or foreign countries because at those times sense perception - experiencing - takes up more of their consciousness than thinking. They become more present. Others remain completely possessed by the voice in the head even then. Their perceptions and experiences are distorted by instant judgements. They haven’t really gone anywhere. Only their body is traveling, while they remain where they have always been: in their head.

닐 게이먼의 엄청난 책 <The Graveyard Book>에서 봤던 “Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.”가 생각난다. 이 책은 정말 낭독하면서 읽고 또 읽고 싶은 책인데. 함박눈이 내리면 이 책을 다시 읽어야겠다.

As soon as something is perceived, it is named, interpreted, compared with something else, liked, disliked, or called good or bad by the phantom self, the ego. Whenever it ceases and even when you just become aware of it, there is inner space, and you are not possessed by the mind anymore. 

이름 붙이고, 떠올리고, 판단하고, 해석하고, 비교하고, 좋다 싫다 딱지를 붙이고, 그러면서 꼬리에 꼬리를 무는 생각들. 

If thoughts arise, don’t get involved in them.

Allow each sound to be as it is, without interpretation. 

One conscious breath (two or three would be even better), taken many times a day, is an excellent way of bringing space into your life. Many people’s breath is unnaturally shallow. The more you are aware of the breath, the more its natural depth will reestablish itself.

Being aware of your breath forces you into the present moment - the key to all inner transformation.

숨쉬기 운동이 최고라니깐!

Most people are so distracted by their thoughts, so identified with the voices in their heads, they can no longer feel the aliveness within them. You then begins to look not only for substitutes for that natural state of well-being within, but also for something to cover up the continuous unease that you feel when you are not in touch with the aliveness that is always there but usually overlooked. 

Even drama in relationships is used as a substitute for the genuine sense of aliveness. The most sought-after cover-up for the continuous background unease are intimate relationships: a man or a woman who is going to “make me happy.” It is, of course, also one of the most frequently experienced of all the “letdowns,” And when the unease surfaces again, people will usually blame their partner for it.

내면의 불안이 스멀스멀 올라오면 가장 가까운 사람부터 잡기 시작한다. 가장 가까운 사람과의 관계부터 파괴하기 시작한다고 표현하는 것이 더 정확할까. 기대하는 것이 많을수록 실망의 낙차가 커지기 마련. 싸움의 근원은 늘 내 안에 있다.

Awareness is conscious connection with universal intelligence. Another word for it is Presence: consciousness without thought.

“나는 누구인가”란 질문에 최근 뇌과학에서는 “의식(consciousness)”이라고 답하고 있다. 내 육체나 내 정신도 내가 아니고 오로지 지금 현재 나의 의식만이 나라고.

Living up to an image that you have of yourself or that other people have of you is inauthentic living - another unconscious role the ego plays

내가 바라는 나도 내가 안되는데 하물며 남이 바라는 나대로 살아가는 것만큼 고통스러운 게 있을까.

If something within you responds to it, however, if you somehow recognize the truth in it, it means the process of awakening has begun. Once it has done so, it cannot be reversed, although it can be delayed by the ego.

모든 책에는 그래서 인연이 있다.

Like the atom, it is one of the smallest things yet contains enormous power. Only when you align yourself with the present moment do you have access to that power. Anxiety, stress, and negativity cut you off from that power. The illusion that you are separate from the power that runs the universe returns. You feel yourself to be alone again, struggling against something or trying to achieve this or that. But why did anxiety, stress, or negativity arise? Because you turned away from the present moment.

원자 하나가 가진 무한한 힘. 하지만 불안이 우리를 잠식할 때, 우리는 파편화된 원자일 뿐이다. 우주의 강한 힘에 접속된 존재가 아니라. 지금 이순간에 존재하지 못할 때 우리는 우리가 원래 가진 힘을 잃고 만다. 

Some changes may look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge. 

인간만사 새옹지마.

As the ego is no longer running your life, the psychological need for external security, which is illusory anyway, lessens. You are able to live with uncertainty, even enjoy it. When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life. It means fear is no longer a dominant factor in what you do and no longer prevents you from taking action to initiate change. If uncertainty is unacceptable to you, it turns into fear. If it is perfectly acceptable, it turns into increased aliveness, alertness, and activity. 

에고를 죽이면 이러한 엄청난 소득이 있구나. 불안에 잠식당하지 않는 것. 

When we perceive without interpreting or mental labeling, which means without adding thought to our perceptions, we can actually still sense the deeper connectedness underneath our perception of seemingly separate things. 

해석하지 말고, 이름 붙이지 말고, 생각을 더하지 말 것.

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