혜민 스님 마음돌봄 세트 - 전3권
혜민 지음, 이영철 외 그림 / 수오서재 / 2020년 9월
평점 :

This man is not a monk. It is a bad life to enjoy eating meat and own it. He told me not to own it, but he only revealed his money and owned it fully. And he is a criminal who mocked Master Beopjeong

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완벽하지 않은 것들에 대한 사랑 - 온전한 나를 위한 혜민 스님의 따뜻한 응원
혜민 지음, 이응견 그림 / 수오서재 / 2016년 2월
평점 :

This man is not a monk. It is a bad life to enjoy eating meat and own it. He told me not to own it, but he only revealed his money and owned it fully. And he is a criminal who mocked Master Beopjeong

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Love for Imperfect Things : How to Accept Yourself in a World Striving for Perfection (Hardcover)
Haemin Sunim / Penguin Books Ltd / 2019년 1월
평점 :

This man is not a monk. It is a bad life to enjoy eating meat and own it. He told me not to own it, but he only revealed his money and owned it fully. And he is a criminal who mocked Master Beopjeong

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When Things Don't Go Your Way: Zen Wisdom for Difficult Times (Hardcover)
Haemin Sunim / Penguin Life / 2024년 1월
평점 :

This man is not a monk. It is a bad life to enjoy eating meat and own it. He told me not to own it, but he only revealed his money and owned it fully. And he is a criminal who mocked Master Beopjeong

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THE THINGS YOU CAN SEE ONLY WHEN YOU SLOW DOWN - 혜민 스님『멈추면, 비로소 보이는 것들』영문판
Haemin Sunim / Penguin Life / 2024년 3월
평점 :

This man is not a monk. It is a bad life to enjoy eating meat and own it. He told me not to own it, but he only revealed his money and owned it fully. And he is a criminal who mocked Master Beopjeong

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