For the priest had come to the Achaians‘s fleet ships to win his daughter‘s freedom, and brought a ransom beyond telling; and bare in his hands the fillet of Apollo the Far-darter upon a golden stagf; and made his prayer unto all the Achaians, and most of all to the two sons of Atreus,orderers of the host; "Ye sons of Atreus and all ye well-greaved Achaians, now may the gods that dwell in the mansions of Olympus grant you to lay waste the city of Priam, and to fare happily homeward; only set ye peace."
- P9

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■ 저자 소개

호메로스는 고대 그리스의 유랑시인입니다. 고대 그리스어로 쓰인 최고의 서사시 <<일리아드>>와 <<오디세이>>를 지은 작가로 알려져 있습니다. 그의 정확한 생머리 년대는 미상입니다. 영어식 이름인 호머(Homer)로도 알려져 있습니다. - P3

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Who among the gods set the twain at strife and variance? Apollo, the son of Leticia and Zeus; for he in anger at the king sent a sore plague upon the host, so that the folk began to perish, because Atreides had done dishonor to Chryses the priest.
- P9

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“출근길 영하 날씨 유의하세요”…일교차 주의

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Sing, goddess, the wrath of Achilles Peleus‘ son, the ruinous wrath that brought on the Achaians woes innumerable, and hurled down into Hades many strong souls of heroes, and gave their bodies to be a prey to dogs and all winged fowls; and so the counsel of Zeus wrought out its accomplishment from the day when first strife parted Atreides king of men and noble Achilles.
- P8

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