26 Par conséquent, je cours, mais pas sans but+ ; je boxe, mais pas dans le vide ;

le vide> empty?

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Nietzche read and admired Dostoevsky. In Twilight of the Idols, he calls him ˝the only psychologist from whom I had something to learn,˝ and there are more oblique references elsewhere. Nietzche is known to have read a number of Dostoevsky‘s novels in French in the late 1880s, though I don‘t know whether Crime and Punishment specifically was among them.

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mushrooms> not plants?

Mushrooms aren‘t plants because they don‘t make their own food (plants use photosynthesis to make food). The underground part of the fungus uses enzymes to ˝digest˝ other substances that it can use as food.

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je suis faible >

1. weak

2. lacking endurance

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profond profonde
/pʀɔfɔ̃, ɔ̃d/
1 [Les mesures de longueur] literal deep

2 (intense) [joie, désespoir] overwhelming; [ennui] acute; [soupir] heavy; [sentiment, tristesse, chagrin, amour] deep, profound; [bleu] deep; [sommeil] deep
3 (très grand) [signification, cause, changement, désaccord] profound; [intérêt] keen; [foi] deep; [mépris, ignorance] profound; [silence] deep

5 (réfléchi) [personne] deep

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