
  • Grace  2013-07-25 08:31  좋아요  l (0)
  • *It takes too much time to make you understand!
    *Can I use "take' and "make" one after the other?
    *Let's take a make-up class.
    *I think it depends on situations.
    *My son is going to be on vacation.

    *Somehow we will make them sad.
    *I can't tell who is right.
    *He strongly insists his opinion.
    *Incorrect: They are making a law about that.
    Correct: They are making an appeal about that.

    *They can develop their sense of responsibility.
    *They deprive their time for studying.
    *They have the right to spend their money in any way they want.
    *The parents should advise them how to spend their money.
    *We want to develop our ability.

    *After a long while..
    *Once I married, I can't turn back any more.
    *The feeling of being protected is important for her.
    *I stayed home the hole day.( I stayed home all day long)
    * He lashed on me.

    *Why do you keep torturing now?
    *Why do you feel that way?
    *I have received advice from books.
    *Don;t give your all.
    *You have a sweet personality.

    *They have to be regulated.
    *체내수정:internal fertilization
    체외수정:external fertilization
    대리모:surrogate mother 정자:seed. 난자:egg
    *Most of them have closed mind.
    *I live on the plain.(바닷가아닌 평야)
    * I didn't know what it means.

    *After I knew what it means..
    *Everything is on me.(All is my job)
    *I take this to the counter.
    *In the morning, it is very silent.
    *I am thinking of what it means.

    *I can easily bowel.
    *You can continue sipping your coffee.

  • Grace  2013-08-05 09:20  좋아요  l (0)
  • *Sometimes, I forget to say Hi...
    sometimes, I even miss to reply...
    sometimes, my message doesn't reach you...
    but it doesn't mean that I forget you...
    I'm just giving you time TO MISS ME...

    *mood message = shout out
    I'm asking about your previous shout out!
    *I sent her a message.
    *It doesn't come out.
    *The law doesn't allow it.

    *To love without condition, to talk without intention
    to give without reason and to care without expectation...
    this is the heart of true friends.
    *I want you to proofread my work.
    *Did I use to celebrate Christmas, or not?
    Did I celebrate Christmas, or not?
    *Yes indeed.

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