Thomas paused before he replied, not wanting to be cut off again.
"What are you, a mind reader or something?" He threw as much sar-casm as he could into the comment.
"Just brilliant, that‘s all." Chuck winked.
"Chuck, never wink at me again." Thomas said it with a smile.
Chuck was a little annoying, but there was something about him that
made things seem less terrible. Thomas took a deep breath and looked back toward the crowd around the hole. "So, how long until the de-livery gets here?"
- P50
Thomas wanted to think he was brave enough, but that currently sounded like the worst idea in history. "Well, for one, he has a lot more allies than I do. Not a good person to pick a fight with."
"Yeah, but you‘re smarter. And I bet you‘re quicker. You could take him and all his buddies."
- P52