
슈리님의 서재
  • Eclipse (Paperback, Internatio...
  • 스테프니 메이어
  • 8,580원 (45%90)
  • 2008-06-01
  • : 1,881

"A hand-me-down," he reminded me sternly.
He pulled my left wrist away from my leg, and touched the silver bracelet for just a moment.
Then he gave me my arm back.
I examined it cautiously.
On the opposite side of the chain from the wolf,
there now hung a brilliant heart-shaped crystal.
It was cut in a million facets, so that even in the subdued light shining from the lamp, it sparkled.
I inhaled in a low gasp.
"It was my mother's." He shrugged deprecatingly.
"I inherited quite a few baubles like this.
I've given some to Esme and Alice both.
So, clearly, this is not a big deal in any way."
I smiled ruefully at his assurance.
"But I thought it was a good representation," he continued.
"It's hard and cold." He laughed.
"And it throws rainbows in the sunlight."
"You forgot the most important similarity," I murmured.
"It's beautiful."
"My heart is just as silent," he mused.
"And it, too, is yours."-438쪽

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