
슈리님의 서재
  • Twilight (Paperback, Reprint)
  • 스테프니 메이어
  • 6,000원 (50%300)
  • 2008-11-01
  • : 1,438

"Of course Rosali is beautiful in her way,
but even if she wasn't like a sister to me, even if Emmett didn't belong with her,
she could never have one tenth, no, one hundredth of the attraction you hold for me.
For almost ninety years I've walked among my kind, and yours...
all the time thinking I was complete in myself,
not realizing what I was seeking.
And not finding anything,
because you weren't alive yet."-304쪽
"Our family is strong. Our only fear is losing you."
"But why should you -"
Alice interrupted this time,touching my cheek with her cold fingers.
"It's been almost a century that Edward's been alone.
Now he's found you.
You can't see the changes that we see, we who have been with him for so long.
Do you think any of us look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you?"-410쪽

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