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- My Salinger Year (Paperback)
- Joanna Rakoff
- 10,950원 (50%↓
110) - 2015-05-12
: 748
The book is a memoir of the story of J.D. Salinger, his novel, and the literary agency from the perspective of a new employee named Joanna.
Joanna Rakoff‘s sentences were a bit long for me. However I thought the typewriter font used for each chapter‘s title is appropriate for the book‘s setting and tone.
The people and industry surrounding literature and books - their thoughts and attitudes were all different, yet they also had something in common. While reading this book, I reflected on what books mean to me.
I enjoyed the process of getting to know something unfamiliar and seeing something familiar in a new way. I empathized with Joanna‘s journey of discovering different facets of New York and observing and understanding the changes in the people around her (coworkers and friends).
Joanna dreams of becoming a competent agent and contemplates her inner self, aspiring to live as a writer. However, she decides her own future. I see it as Joanna‘s self-understanding and growing by looking into herself as she would understand others.
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