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South Korea: Too Much Activism?

The country's idealistic '386 generation' helped usher in democracy,
but has bungled its political opportunity.

By B. J. Lee / Newsweek International

Nov. 27, 2006 issue - Song Young Gil and Won Hee Ryong epitomize South Korea's 386 generation—the dynamic group of activists who took it upon themselves to transform the country. They gained political power in their 30s, helped to usher in democracy in the '80s by ousting a military regime, and were born in the 60s. Like America's anti-Vietnam War generation, the 386ers demanded greater economic equality and more social justice.

Six years after being elected to the National Assembly, however, both Song and Won are frustrated. Not only because the idealistic goals of the 386ers have not been attained, but also because the movement itself has been humbled, having largely bungled its political opportunity. About 20 of President Roh Moo Hyun's top advisers are 386ers—and critics blame them for the divisive political climate in the country, and for a slowdown in economic growth. The Roh administration is deeply unpopular. "Our generation was good at fighting for democracy," says Song. "But we were poor at building something new." While Song belongs to the ruling Uri Party, a disillusioned Won has remained in the conservative Grand National Party.

As Korea's own "we generation," the 386ers were expected to make the country a better place to live. Their liberal dedication to the common good, demonstrated during their democratic struggles in the 1980s, were seen as rare assets in an age of selfish individualism. But the progressives haven't been able to translate lofty values into sound government policy. Inexperienced and often dogmatic, the 386ers have polarized Korea. Press Secretary Yang Jung Chul, for example, has waged a fierce battle with conservative publications critical of Roh. "The 386 generation took power too early," says Hahm Sung Deuk, a political scientist at Korea University. "They were not prepared to run a country."

Many of Roh's aides worked closely with him on labor and civic movements before his election in 2002. After he became president, they initiated a series of radical reforms designed to rapidly bridge the economic gap between the haves and have-nots by regulating large conglomerates and heavily taxing the wealthy. What's more, their sympathetic views toward North Korea created serious friction with Washington and other allies. The result has been dire: slower economic growth, a widening income gap and rocky relations with international allies—all of which troubles the public. Roh's approval rating recently dipped to 15 percent. Over the pasttwo years, his Uri Party has lost 40 out of 40 by-elections.

The 386 generation's fall was not totally unexpected. Reading Marx and taking part in anti-government demonstrations is one thing, but running a country—or a ministry—requires analytical training and pragmatic thinking, which many of Roh's policy gurus seem to lack. After watching the collapse of the Soviet Union and North Korea's famine in the '90s, some 386 leaders embraced capitalism. But the hardcore members remain more ideological than practical. Politically, they still embrace confrontation rather than dialogue. "For the core 386 members, you are either enemy or friend," says Hahm. "There is no neutral ground." Lawmaker Song now ruefully describes the 386ers as "a very unfortunate generation."

It's not fair to say that they've failed completely. South Korea has become a much more dynamic and creative society than it was, say, 20 years ago. The country is a leader in information technology, and its popular culture dominates Asia. Still, Won and others fret about how fragmented the movement has become. "Although we started as one generation with one common experience, we have since diversified into many different groups," says Won. Song says more mature and practical 386 members will gradually replace the dogmatic members as the former become the absolute majority in politics. "Our fight is not over yet," he says. "As we succeeded in the '80s, we can succeed again." But with the conservative Grand National Party favored to win next year's presidential election, the question is: Will they get another chance?

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반딧불,, 2006-11-21 11:00   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이거 아침에 라디오에서 들었어요. 어느 정도는 공감하는데 기분이 어지간히

딸기 2006-11-22 07:17   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL

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라픽 샤미 책 찾다가... 이런 페이지를 발견해버렸다.

헉스, 다마스커스라니... 오르한 파묵 '이스탄불'도 읽고싶은데

다마스커스는 너무 심한 폼푸질...플러스 잉글리시 압박까지...

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미하일 엔데, 하면 또 추억이 많이 남아있는데다가
이 작가의 전작(이쉬타르의 문)을 읽은 적이 있기 때문에
마일리지도 적립금도 없지만 어쩐지 땡기는 소설...

'이쉬타르의 문'의 경우
아주 재능있는 작가라는 느낌은 아니었던 것 같다.
남의 나라에서 훔쳐온 걸(이슈타르의 문) 가지고 소설까지 써대며 잘난척 한것도
딱히 맘에 드는 것은 아니고.

하지만 제법 주제의식이 명확하고, '시작은 좋았던' 작품이라는 기억.

비밀의 도서관이라... 책벌레를 자처하는 사람들의 구미를 끌어당길만한 것.
그래서 조금 싫어지는 측면도.

그럼에도 불구하고, 한번 보고싶긴 하네.

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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
딸기 2006-11-15 14:10   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
헉... 이제보니 어린이용이다;;

마노아 2006-11-15 15:34   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL

딸기 2006-11-15 16:53   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL

지겹긴 하지만

영어공부 하려고 토머스 프리드먼 책 샀다

페이퍼백, 16달러. 교보에서 1만6000원 정도 주고 샀다

정   가 : 19,200원
판매가 : 17,280

이거 번역본 얼마냐면

정   가 : 26,000원
판매가 : 23,400

요즘 달러 싸니깐
미국에서 16000원, 우리나라에선 26000원, '할인가'로 사도 23400원.


울나라 책값이 각종 선진국들에 비해 싸게 책정돼 있다고 출판사들이 어쩌구저쩌구 하는 건

몽땅 개지랄;;되겠슴다. -_-

페이퍼백과 하드커버의 차이라고?

번역본으로도 페이퍼백이 있는 모양이다
근데 두권으로 돼 있다 -_-


정   가 : 13,500원
판매가 : 12,150

1, 2권 사면 24300원

장난하냐, 시방?

하드커버 한권짜리로 사면 23400원,
페이퍼백으로 사면 2권에 24300원이라니.

독자를 뭘로 보심?


'렉서스와 올리브 나무' 영어 페이퍼백

정   가 : 11,100원
판매가 : 9,990

한국어판 종이커버 1, 2권 각각

정   가 : 13,000원
판매가 : 10,400

두 권 합치면 20800원

한국어판 양장본(웃긴다 이게 무슨 양장이냐
양장은 양가죽인지 창자인지로 만든 거고, 이건 걍 종이 두껍게 한 거자나
하드커버면 하드커버지 여기 양 털한오라기라도 들어갔냐고~~)

암튼 한권에

정   가 : 26,000원
판매가 : 20,800


페이퍼백은, 양장인지 하드커버인지 하는 것보다

싸!게! 파는 것이 정상 아니겠소?

댓글(7) 먼댓글(0) 좋아요(50)
북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
물만두 2006-11-11 23:02   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
여기도 개념이 없군요 ㅜ.ㅜ

딸기 2006-11-11 23:03   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
억울하면 영어로 읽어라;; 뭐 그런 걸까요 -_-

마태우스 2006-11-12 01:50   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
멋진 분석이십니다. 제가 이런 글 보면 추천 안하고 못배기죠

가을산 2006-11-12 17:01   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
딸기님 분석이 백만번 지당하십니다.

책도 제값 주고 사기는 아까운 책들이죠.

전 buddy의 정보 덕에 Y서점에서 이벤트 할 때 평평하다를 23400원 주고 샀는데,
적립금 5850원도 주고, 렉서스와 올리브나무까지 끼워주더라구요.
근데 올리브나무는 '올리브'라서 그런지 읽으면 뒤로 갈수록 좀 느끼해요.

mannerist 2006-11-12 23:53   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
올리브 뭐시기. 필요하심 좀 가져가 주세요. 제 집에 놔두기 싫어서 그러는뎁쇼;;;

딸기 2006-11-13 06:56   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아니 평평하다를 사면 올리브를 끼워준다고요!

사실은 프리드먼이 꽤 괜찮았었는데 말이예요. 우째 그렇게 됐는지...

딸기 2006-11-13 10:53   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
내가 아는 프리드먼이 세 사람인데,

1. 밀턴 프리드먼- 경제학자
2. 토머스 프리드먼- 저널리스트
3. 퍼스트네임 까먹었고, 대니얼 혹은 마이클 같은 류였는데, 암튼 물리학자 프리드먼

프리드먼이 괜찮았다고 하는 것의 의미는, 나중에 다시 쓸께. ^^




정말 CD만 있네?

설명에 '이 책은' 어쩌구 돼 있어서 책인 줄 알았는데.... 책은 따로 사는 거구나 -_-

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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
페일레스 2006-11-05 14:28   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아... 딸기 누님 이거 웃겼어요! 낄낄 -_-;;

딸기 2006-11-06 07:02   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
-_- 웃겼니?

하르아마겟돈 2023-09-01 08:27   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
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