Monkey See Monkey Do (Paperback + CD 1장) Scholastic Hello Reader Level 1 (Book + CD) 41
Marc Gave 지음 / 문진미디어(외서) / 2007년 2월
평점 :


1.  What do monkeys ride?








2.  What do monkeys wear while skating?




         neck ties




3.  Why do monkeys shake their arms?


         in order to hit the ball

         in order to chase the flies

         in order to fan themselves

         in order to dance together



4.  What do monkeys do at the circus?


         They pray.

         They shed tears.

         They laugh. 

         They take a nap.



5.  When do monkeys cry? 


         When they creep and crawl.

         When they look into a mirror.

         When they ride bikes.

         When they fall off the ice cream.


6.  What do monkeys wave when they say good-bye? 


         their tails

         their hands

         their legs

         their heads



7.  Why do monkeys look for other monkeys far and wide? 


         Because some monkeys got lost. 

         Because some monkeys stole and ran away.

         Because they are playing hide-and-seek.

         Because they are at war.



8.  What kind of dance do monkeys do to the music? 


         Hip hop






9.  What fruits do monkeys eat?





         kiwi fruits



10.  What can monkeys eat bananas with?


         with their heads

         with their noses

         with their feet

         with their ankles



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Dancing Dinos (Paperback + Workbook + CD 1장) Step Into Reading Step 1 (Workbook Set) 6
Sally Lucas 지음 / 언어세상(외서) / 2000년 10월
평점 :


1.  Where are Dinos dancing?


         on a stage

         on the street

         in the woods

         in the river



2.  Where aren't Dinos dancing? 


         on a stage

         off the page

         on the floor

         in the bathtub



3.  What are Dinos doing down the hall? 









4.  Where are Dinos playing with a ball? 


         down the hall

         in the bathtub

         down the stairs

         in the kitchen



5.  What are Dinos doing through a room?









6.  What are Dinos munching?


         a ball

         ham on rye

         pizza pie

         corn and peas



7.  What are Dinos crunching? 


         a ball

         ham on rye

         pizza pie

         corn and peas



8.  What aren't Dinos flinging? 





         gobs of cheese



9.  What are Dinos mopping the kitchen floor with? 


         with their hands

         with their tails

         with their heads

         with their feet



10.  What are Dinos hoping over? 


         over pails

         over the couch

         over the bathtub

         over tables


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I Like Books (Paperback)
앤서니 브라운 지음 / Walker Books / 2003년 12월
평점 :


1.  In which book can I see a clown? 


         in funny books

         in scary books

         in fairy tales

         in space books



2.  In which book can I see a ghost?


         in funny books

         in scary books

         in fairy tales

         in nursery rhymes



3.  In which book can I see Little Red Riding Hood?


         in funny books

         in scary books

         in fairy tales

         in comic books



4.  In which book can I see a super hero? 


         in funny books

         in scary books

         in nursery rhymes

         in comic books


5.  In which book can I paint a picture?


         in colouring books

         in nursery rhymes

         in fairy tales

         in comic books



6.  In which book can I learn an alphabet?


         in fairy tales

         in alphabet books

         in nursery rhymes

         in colouring books



7.  In which book can I see an astronaut? 


         in books about monsters

         in books about space

         in books about dinosaurs

         in books about pirates




8.  In which book can I see an one-eyed captain?


         in books about monsters

         in books about space

         in books about dinosaurs

         in books about pirates




8.  In which book can I see an one-eyed captain?


         in books about monsters

         in books about space

         in books about dinosaurs

         in books about pirates



10.  What do I call thick books?


         thin books

         fat books

         strange books

         song books



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hnine 2012-11-07 16:39   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
어우~ 막 문제가 풀고 싶어져요 ^^

icaru 2012-11-07 16:43   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
어우어우~ 어른들은 테스트 안 합니당 ㅋㅋ

나 자신은 사지선다 ,, 이런 거 참 싫어하면서,, 아이들은 이런 것으로 읽은 걸 확인해 보는 모순이라니,, ㅋㅋ
Things I Like (Paperback + CD 1장 + Mother Tip) My Little Library Pre-Step Set 37
앤서니 브라운 지음 / 문진미디어(외서) / 2008년 9월
평점 :


1.  What do I like to ride?


         a car

         a bike

         a motorbike

         a horse



2.  What do I like to play with?


         with pets

         with toys

         with friends

         with my parents



2.  What do I like to play with?


         with pets

         with toys

         with friends

         with my parents



4.  Where do I like to hide?


         behind a mailbox

         behind a tree

         behind a fence

         behind a garbage can



5.  What do I like to build?









6.  Where do I like to go for a paddling? 


         to the sea 

         to the lake

         to the pond

         to the pool




7.  What do I like to make in the kitchen?


         a cake

         a sandwich

         a pancake




8.  Who do I like to be with?


         with my dog 

         with my friends

         with my brothers

         with my sisters



9.  What do I like to hear in bed?


         a bedtime story

         a noise from my neighbor

         a lullaby from my mother

         a song from the radio




10.  Where do I like to do acrobatics?


         in the circus

         on an iron bar

         on a tree

         on a clothesline



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노부영 In My World (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 303
로이스 엘럿 지음 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2009년 9월
평점 :

1.  Who is creeping in my world?








2.  Who is wiggling in my world?








3.  Who is leaping in my world?









4.  Who is singing in my world?









5.  Who is swimming in my world?








6.  Who is falling in my world?









7.  Who is blooming in my world?






8.  Who is glittering in my world?








9.  Who is fluttering in my world?








9.  Who is fluttering in my world?








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