• 【Novel】
  • 수상작  Way Station / Clifford D. Simak
  • 「 Cat's Cradle고양이의 요람」/ 커트·보거넷·쥬니어(Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.)
    →새와 물고기
  •  Dune World / 프랭크·허버트(Frank Herbert)
  • Glory Road / 로버트·A·하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
  • Witch World / Andre Norton
  • 【Novelette】
  • 수상작  No Truce with Kings /폴·앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
  • Code Three / Rick Raphael
  •  A Rose for Ecclesiastes 「전도의 서에 바치는 장미」/러저·젤라즈니(Roger Zelazny)
  • Savage Pellucider /에드거·라이스·버로우즈(Edgar Rice Burroughs)
by caspi

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  • 【Novel】
  • 수상작  The Man in the High Castle 「높은 성의 남자」/필립·K·딕(Philip K. Dick)
  • →시공사 그리핀 북스
  •  A Fall of Moon Dust/  아서·C·클럭(Arthur C. Clarke)
  •  Little Fuzzy 「리틀·퍼지」/ H. Beam Piper
  • The Sword of Aldones 「오르돈의 검」 / Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • Sylva / Vercors
  • 【Short Fiction】
  • 수상작  The Dragon Masters / Jack Vance
  • Myrrha / Garry Jennings
  • Unholy Grail / Fritz Leiber
  • When You Care, When You Love /시오드어·스타젼(Theodore Sturgeon)
  • Where Is the Bird of Fire?  / Thomas Burnett Swann
by caspi

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  • 【Novel】
  • 수상작  Stranger in a Strange Land / 로버트·A·하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
  • Dark Universe / Daniel F. Galouye
  • The Fisherman / Clifford D. Simak
  • Second Ending / James White
  • Sense of Obligation / Harry Harrison
  • 【Short Fiction】
  • 수상작 The Hothouse Series / Brian W. Aldiss
  •  Lion Loose /James H. Schmitz
  • Monument / Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
  • Scylla's Daughter/ Fritz Leiber
  • Status Quo / Mack Reynolds
by caspi

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  • 【Novel】
  • 수상작  A Canticle for Leibowitz / 월터·M·밀러·쥬니어(Walter M. Miller, Jr.)
  •  Deathworld / Harry Harrison
  • The High Crusade / 폴·안더슨(Poul Anderson)
  •  Rogue Moon / Algis Budrys
  • Venus Plus X / 시오도아 스타젼(Theodore Sturgeon)
  • 【Short Fiction】
  • 수상작  The Longest Voyage / 폴·앤더슨(Poul Anderson)
  • The Lost Kafoozalum / Pauline Ashwell
  • Need / 시오드아 스타젼(Theodore Sturgeon)
  • Open to Me, My Sister/ 필립·호세·파머(Philip José Farmer)
by caspi

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  • 【Novel】
  • 수상작  Starship Troopers 「우주의 전사」/ 로버트·A·하인라인(Robert A. Heinlein)
    →행복한 책읽기/시공사 그리핀 북스
  •  Dorsai! / Gordon R. Dickson
  • The Pirates of Ersatz / Murray Leinstar
  • The Sirens of Titan 「타이탄의 마녀」/ 카트·보거넷·쥬니어(Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.)
    →금문,새와 물고기
  • That Sweet Little Old Lady / Mark Philips
  • 【Short Fiction】
  • 수상작  Flowers for Algernon 「알게논에 꽃다발을」다니엘·키이스(Daniel Keyes)
  • The Alley Man / 필립·호세·파머(Philip José Farmer)
  • Cat and Mouse / Ralph Williams
  • The Man who Lost the Sea / 시오도어 스타젼(Theodore Sturgeon)
  • The Pi Man / 알프레드 베스터(Alfred Bester)
by caspi

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