So many times you tried to take the best of me.
So many times, now you’re gonna take the rest of me.
Better look at what you’re doing before it’s too late.
It’s a fine line you’re treadin’ between love and hate.
There’ll be a cold day in hell
before I’m coming back to you.

So many times you tried to play a dead end game.
Yes, you did.
I tried to tell you, but you’d never wanna take the blame.
Now you’ve pushed me to the limit, and I can’t take no more.
You’d better take one last look before I’m out the door.
There’ll be a cold day in hell
before I’m coming back to you.

You never listened when I told you
that you were way out of line.
Too busy talkin’ to listen,
accusing me of telling lies.

So many times you tried to get the best of me.
Yes, you did.
So many times, but now you’re gonna take the rest of me.
Well, it’s too late for sorry and it’s too late for tears.
Better take one last look before I disappear.
There’ll be a cold day in hell
before I’m coming back to you.

There’ll be a cold day in hell
before I’m coming back to you.
There’ll be a cold day in hell
before I’m coming back to you.

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Walking By Myself


You know I love you

You know it’s true

There’s all my lovin’

What more can I do



I’m walking by myself

I hope you understand

I just want to be your lovin’ man


I love you

Yes I love you with my heart and soul

Wouldn’t it screams you

For my wedding goal


You know I love you

You know it’s true

Give you all my lovin’

What more can I do




You know I love you

You know it’s true

I’ll give you all my lovin’

What more can I do




I say I’m walking by myself

I hope you understand

I just want to be your lovin’

I just want to be your lovin’

I just want to be your lovin’ man

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Too Tired


I laid down last night

Too tired to wake

Had a chew this morning

Too tired to shake


Had a good poker hand

Too hard to win

Had a few more baby’s knockin’

Too tired to let her in



I’m tired

Yeah yeah yeah I’m tired

Too tired

Too tired for anything


I’m too tired to walk

I’m too tired to run

I can feel my baby callin’

Too tired too tired


I’m tired

Yes I’m tired

I’m tired

Too tired for anything


I’m tired of prosperity

I’m tired of luck

Shootin’ on a pin

And I’m too tired to get up


I’m tired

I’ve been clear I’m tired

I’m too tired

Too tired for anything


I’m too tired baby

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That Kind of Woman


She’s that kind of woman

No doubt about how she feels

She’s holding promises

Her eyes won’t tell

Her lips are sealed

And I like her like that

She’s kind of crazy



I think I know what I’m looking for

That kind of woman

I think I know what I’m looking for

That kind of woman


Standin’ in the doorway

With the sunlight in her hair

She’s watching the wind blow

You know she don’t have a care

I like her like that

She’s kind of crazy




She’s got the look so cool

You know what I mean

Got the way too good smile that I’ve ever seen

I crashed my heart on the side of the street

That she once stood on

She’s that kind of woman


I like her like that

She’s pretty amazing

I understand why I want so more

That kind of woman

One look from her knocks me on the floor

That kind of woman


She’s that kind of lady

That you meet in a dream of dreams

Puts others in her shadow

But you know this woman’s real


And I like her like that

She’s kind of crazy




I think I know what I’m looking for

That kind of woman

I said I know what I’m looking for

That kind of woman

That kind of woman

That kind of woman

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Texas Strut


Let me tell you about the Texas blues


I’ve run down stop to Dallas

But he was cowboy’s whale

Came across that feel he gives

And all that seemed to fall



I just can’t lose

We have Texas blues

I said I just can’t lose

We have the Texas blues

The Texas blues


Got myself feelin’ goin’ to trouble

When I saw that Texas flood

Steven said the sky is brighter

Till the step is in his blood




I heard that gives me dressed up

I hear that blind you off the tracks

When the bands that cold cold feelin’

That gives shivers down your back




Well I’m goin’ back to Dallas

Not a way in front of us

But I can do the sunset

Want to see my grateful call




I said I just can’t lose

We have the Texas blues


I said I just can’t lose

We have the Texas blues

The Texas blues

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