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You may have lost interest in the pandemic. It has not lost interest in you. - P9

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  영어판이 알라딘에서 검색되지 않아 부득이 번역본으로 인용하였다(참고로, 위 특집호는 COVID-19가 창궐하기 이전에 나온 것이어서 시의성이 많이 떨어지게 되었다. 세상이 너무 바뀌어 버렸다).

  일전에, 한의학은 기본적으로 환자 개개인의 특성을 고려하여 다른 치료법을 써야한다는 입장이어서, 무작위 대조군 연구(Randomized Controlled Trial; RCT)를 주된 근거로 삼는 '근거중심의학'(Evidence-based medicine; EBM)과 끝내 조화될 수 있을지 의문스럽다는 내용의 글을 쓴 적이 있다. https://blog.aladin.co.kr/SilentPaul/11867658

  그런데 위 특집호를 읽다가 읽다가 ˝Personalized Medicine˝에 관한 논의가 있다는 것을 알게 되었다. 관련해서는,

  Vogenberg FR, Isaacson Barash C, Pursel M. Personalized medicine: part 1: evolution and development into theranostics. P T. 2010;35(10):560-576. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2957753/

  "The Age of Personalized Medicine" http://www.personalizedmedicinecoalition.org/Userfiles/PMC-Corporate/file/pmc_age_of_pmc_factsheet.pdf

  Kiril Gorshkove et al., "Advancing precision medicine with personalized drug screening," Drug Discovery Today, 24(1), 2019, 272-278. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drudis.2018.08.010 등을 참조.

  인간의 지놈 정보에 대한 개별화(개인화)된 분석결과를 바탕으로, 일종의 ‘맞춤의학‘인 한의학이 검증(또는 반증)되고, 근거중심의학(EBM)으로 편입될 수도 있을까? 이전 리뷰에도 썼지만, 이 모든 것이 우리가 다루고 분석할 수 있는 데이터 규모에 달린 문제 같기도 하다.

Pharma firms are required by the FDA to test new medicines on a group of patients over a number of years. But the FDA seems to be willing to allow these unique treatments to go ahead, because there is no other option and the outcomes without them are grim. In medical trials, the number of patients is denoted by the letter "n". These personalized medicines have therefore become known as "n of 1" drugs. - P140

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There are three ways to make streaming pay. Firms can accumulate deep ranks of loyal subscribers at home and abroad. They can raise prices. Or they can spend less on programming. - P61

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This is why government has a role in keeping the entertainment business competitive. First, it should prevent any firm-including the tech giants from acquiring a dominant share in the content business. Second, it should require the companies that that own the gateways to content, such as telecoms firms or handset providers such as Apple that can control what screens show-to have an open-access policy and not discriminate against particular content firms.
Last, it should make sure subscribers can move their personal data from one firm to another, so they do not become locked in to one service.
- P13

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Since he announced his run for the White House in 2015, Donald Trump‘s method has been to maximise at all times the amount of attention directed at him. [...] When power is based on appearances it can slip away suddenly. - P7

Before covid-19 hit America, Mr Trump looked likelier thannot to be re-elected, thanksto a relentlessly growing economy. Incumbent presidents almost always win in such circumstances. Our election model made him a narrow favourite, even though he was a few points down in national polls with his rival, Joe Biden. However, the president is now in a deep hole. Mr Biden is up by nine points-more in some polls. He is doing well in battleground states like Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin, and he has strong support among older voters and is doing surprisingly now gives Mr Trump only a roughly 10% chance of winning. The virus has demonstrated something definitively to a large number of persuadable voters: that MrTrump is just not that good at being a president.
- P7

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