The BFG (Paperback) - 『내 친구 꼬마 거인』원서 Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 3
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

BFG란 단어를 보면서, 참으로 다양한 생각이 들었다. '어떤 글자의 약자일까?' 할아버지가 어린 소녀를 손에 들고 있는 그림을 보면서, G라는 글자는 아마 Giant 또는 Grandfather의 약자가 아닐까, 하고 내심 고민했다가 결국 책을 읽기로 했었다. 

우리는 거인에 대해 잘 인정하지 않는다. 걸리버 여행기를 읽으면서 거인국과 소인국을 여행하는 걸리버의 이야기를 물론 많은 사람들이 읽었겠지만, 그러한 인간은 존재하지 않을것이라고 과학적으로 증명해버린 인간도 적지 않다. 이들은 과연 존재하지 않는가? 존재했을지라도 지금의 인간과는 사뭇 달랐을 것이며, 우리가 같은 크기의 인간들은 힘을 합해 이 거인들을 무찌르는 데 주력했을 것이다. 설사 이 거인들이 착하거나 악한 것에 구애받지 않고 말이다. 원주민들도 선의를 보이거나 적의를 보이든지 상관없이 피와 총칼로 답하는 것이 사람이다. 로알드 달은, 사람들로부터 숨어 지내는 한 친절한 거인에 관한 이야기를 만들어냈다. 

If I see the BFG, then I think I would tell the police or the lab that there is a giant. I don't sure that they will really exist, but maybe there can be someone living between the people quietly. I know that if people find the big people. The giants will be disappear when they found from people. This is the greed of people, and dictatorship of people. 

The Big Friendly Giant showed new world to the heroine, Sophie. She met another great giants, and made small advantures with the giant. The giant had to kidnap her bacause if she tell the truth of him, then he would be in danger. This was the story of another existence that we can remove. 

We should raise the mind to accept them. I sware that they will use them as their new experimentation material. If I find the new ones, I hope people would coexist with them.

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James and the Giant Peach (Paperback) Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 5
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

James and the Giant Peach - summary

Chapter 1-There was a boy named James Henry Trotter, who was living happily with his friends and his parents. One day, two rhinoceros who escaped from zoo killed his parents who were shopping at the London. So, James had to live with his ugly, bad aunts.

Chapter 2- The bad aunts made James work hard as a beast of burden, and young James always cried. They called him beast, good for nothing worm... and there was a special day for James.

Chapter 3-  There became an old man from the bushes, and he showed James a pocket. He called it 'Crocodile's tongue'.

Chapter 4-  The old man made James to use the crocodile's tongue for himself and said it will change his life.

Chapter 5 -  James had to eat them, but he made a mistake. He threw it on the ground. So he lost his chance to be special, and there were new problem. If insects or the peach trees have them and being special?

Chapter 6 -  After, the two aunts came to James and found out a peach was growing on the peach. It never had any fruits before, so they were really frightened.

Chapter 7- The peach growed really fast, and it became a giant peach. And the two greedy aunts though something to make some money.

Chapter 8-  They noticed people about the great peach, and they sold ticket to see the giant peach. There were a lot of people, but they took James into the room and at night, they made James to clean the garden.

Chapter 9-   James didn't have anything for dinner and he was too lonely to do something at night. So he went to the giant peach.

Chapter 10-  He found a small hole from the giant peach. He opened it, and went into the peach. And he found the another door. It was a door at the seed of peach.

Chapter 11-  James was frightened. Because there were several creatures. They were just like a big insects. They were as big as James, and they were Grass Hopper, Spider, Centipede...

Chapter 12 -  They talked to James. James found out that they are really kind. So he could have some funny time with them.

Chapter 13-  Miss Spider made beds for the insects and James. They went to sleep, and the firefly turned off the light.

Chapter 14-  The next day, they prepared for their adventure. The peach came out from the tree, and than started to moving.

Chapter 15-  Two aunts waked up and prepared for selling tickets. But they found out the giant peach was coming over them. They became flapped, and there were two lifeless human just like paper came out from the books.

Chapter 16-  The peach kept going... and went into the ocean.

Chapter 17-  When they thought their moving was ended, their house was like a chaos. They felt bobbing, and when they went out...

Chapter 18-  They didn't know what to do. They had nothing to eat except peach. Yes, peach. James found out they can have the giant peach, and they had their meal enough.

Chapter 19-  A lot of sharks came to the peach and started to attack it. James had to think something to avoid their attack.

Chapter 20-  James made a plan. There were two insects, spider and silkworm. They could spin the string, so he made them to make string. And his plan was to make peach out of the water. But how?

Chapter 21-  James' plan is to use the seagulls. There were a lot of seagulls, and he attracted them by the big earthworm.

Chapter 22-  He caught them with the strings, and he made 502 seagulls to uplift the giant peach.

Chapter 23-  It went on and on. There was a ship, and the captain of the ship found it. They thought it was a new weapons from other countries, but when captain found insects above the peach, they said nothing.

Chapter 24-  They had talked. The old Grass Hopper played music for his friends.

Chapter 25-  They enjoyed party above the peach.

Chapter 26-  Centipede fell of the peach while he was dancing. James used string of silkworm, and flied to save him. He saved his life.

Chapter 27-  They went into the cloud, and they found the cloud man. They didn't notice them, but centipede thought they can't hear, so he made a big noise and danced. Soon, the cloud-men started to throwing hailstones hardlly.

Chapter 28-  They collapsed the rainbow bridge, so the angry cloud-men sent a big, hairy cloud man which is 14 feets long. He flied to catch him.

Chpater 29-  The cloud-men came after them, and poured rain over them.

Chapter 30 -  However, luckily, it washed Centipede's paints away and he could move again.

Chapter 31-  The bat-creatures chased them, but they could avoid them by going into the land with sun.

Chapter 32-  They found out the new land, and there were a lot of skyscrapers. They knew they came to the America!

Chapter 33-  They were above the New York city, and they had to land on the place.

Chapter 34-  They bited the string and the seagulls started to released. And then, the Giant Peach also started to felling. They said good-bye to each other because they thought they were going to die.

Chapter 35-  The peach was felling...

Chapter 36-  The peach perfectly got into the Empire States Building's pinnacle.

Chapter 37-  The police officers and fire fighters came to them and found the creatures and little boy. They thought they were came from the outer space.

Chaper 38-  The insects and James all became rich and famous. They had their own talents, and they used it in America. And James made a book about his adventure.

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My Dad's Got an Alligator! (Paperback) Jeremy Strong 14
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Puffin / 2007년 1월
평점 :

제레미 스트롱이 소개하는 가족의 재미있는 일상사 이야기. 이야기 하나하나가 특별하고 기이한 모험을 담아둔 시리즈이다. 분명 읽는 순간 말도 안 되는 이야기들로 인해 실소를 자아낼 이야기들. 이번 편에서는 악어가 등장한다. 그것도 엉뚱한 아빠에 의해 애완 동물로 거두어진 것이다. 

The aligator was really dangerous. It made a lot of problem. We should be careful of the green animal. It hides under the river, and when something try to cross the river, than it quietly move to the food. Then, that will be the end of food. 

This dangerous aligator became the pet of Nicholases'. Well, it was quite obedient. But Nicholas' father was the problem. When the aligator got into the river, he get into the river to save the aligator. So, he had to give it to people and had to find the another pet. Well... The next pet was vulture, what was quite big and looks dangerous.

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Classic Starts(r) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Hardcover) Classic Starts 27
쥘 베른 지음 / Sterling / 2006년 3월
평점 :

쥘 베른의 공상 과학 소설은 대부분이 인간의 호기심을 장악했던 최고의 소설들이다. 당시 사람들은 아마도 이러한 종류의 책들을 읽고서 많은 꿈들을 품었을 것이다. 해저 2만리에서는, 분명히 먼 과거이며, 들어도 보지도 못한 기술들이 아무렇지도 않게 등장한다. 물론 지금으로써는 실현 불가능한 것들도 몇 가지 섞여있지만, 분명 상상력만으로 과학계에 있어 커다란 기틀을 마련한 사람 중 한 명이 쥘 베른이다. 

이러한 쥘 베른과의 첫 만남은 바로 80일간의 세계 일주였다. 아마도 옛날 이야기였다면, 80일만에 지구 한 바퀴를 돈다는 것은 꿈도 못 꿀 일이었으리라. 마젤란 일행이 몇 년에 걸쳐 지구를 돌아 한 바퀴를 돌 수 있었다. 하지만 열기구와 코끼리, 기차 등을 이용하여 세계를 돌고 온 그 여행은, 지금이라면 하루 만에 돌 수 있을지라도 매우 파격적이었던 이야기라 생각된다. 해저 2만리도 마찬가지다. 심해의 괴물로 악명 높았던 존재가, 한 사람의 아이디어로 발명된 심해 잠수함이었을줄 누가 상상했을까? 

이 이야기는 바로 잠수함의 개발자, 네모 선장과 함께 여행하는 해저 이야기다. 현재 지구에서 가장 깊은 곳이 마리아나 화구라고 하지만, 그 깊이만 알 뿐 막상 그곳에 무엇이 사는지는 전혀 밝혀내지 못했다. 우주 바깥도 정복하는 입장에, 막상 우리가 사는 지구의 안쪽은 현재의 과학 기술로 극복하기 힘든 것이다. 하지만 이 과학자는 자신만의 기술로 잠수복도 만들고, 이 잠수복과 잠수함을 이용해 보물을 찾거나 심해의 다양한 미스터리, 괴물등을 맞딱뜨린다. 이것이 바로 쥘 베른의 과학 모험 소설의 매력인 셈이다. 

It was lucky to me to meet this book by English. If I met it with Korean book, than I wouldn't enjoy well because I would read really fast. It was English, so it made me to read slower. So, Jules Verne gave me a lot of imagination. There must be great animals under the sea and lost treasures that we can find. I hope the day that people would conquer the life of deep in the water.

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The Blitzed Brits (Paperback) Horrible Histories 3
테리 디어리 지음, Kate Sheppard 외 그림 / Scholastic / 2007년 8월
평점 :

역사 이야기를 여기서 끝낸다고 하면, 허무맹랑한 것일지도 모른다. 역사는 지금도 계속해서 이어지고 있기 때문이다. 끊임없이 이어지는 역사의 한복판을 끊어서 설명한다는 점은 슬프지만, 끔찍한 역사 시리즈는 아쉽게도 여기가 끝인 것 같다. 때는, 2차 세계대전이 끝날때까지의 이야기를 다룬다. 

Well, I didn't know who were the protagonists in this book. Well, there's no protagonist. Because all of us are hero left our name to the history. The second world war was quite terrible. It was the worst war ever we had. The atomic bomb killed many people too. The scientists studied about the destructive power of atomic bomb all died from the experiment. So, it surely killed many people in Japan. 

The war snatched the parents and sons. The young boys and girls would rumbled to find their parents, and parents looked after their dead sons and daughters. This is the war. The weapons went powerful, but the weapons cannot stop the fight of human. It just make it worse. I hope the next history will be different, although that is just my unrealiable dream.

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