Pippi Longstocking (Puffin Modern Classics) (Paperback)
아스트리드 린드그렌 지음 / Puffin / 2005년 4월
평점 :


Pippi Longstocking, Astrid Lindgren's one of the most famous story is the first story of ther books that I met. Yes, she was so famous, so there were a lot of series, and it made into the movie and the drama. Maybe it was really funny, wasn't it? 

Pippi is the special girl who lives strangely. She is the strongest girl in the world, so she can carry a horse with her one hand. The super-powered girl lives in the cottage alone, because her mother was dead when she was young and her father was disappered in the middle of the trip in the ocean. But she had a monkey named Mr Nelson and a suitcase fulled of gold. That's why she can live her own life happily. 

Pippi had several special advantures with her friends, Tommy and Annika. They are the ones who have their parents and live happily. Somethimes they really wants to live a life like Pippi, and I do so. She is really free and maybe she is the freeiest person in the world. 

I just understanded why many children were excited at Pippi. She is really special, and now she is still loved by many people.

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My Weird School Daze #3: Mr. Granite Is from Another Planet! (Paperback) My Weird School Daze 3
Gutman, Dan / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2008년 9월
평점 :

Can you believe that there is a man who is alien from outer space at our school? Well, I don't sure there will be a alien living in Earth, but there can be an aiien if they change their body well. So, Mr. Granite, the nice, cool third-grade teacher had lost at Earth because he doesn't have any fuel to get back to his planet. Than, what does he have to do? 

Well, he said the people should protect the Earth, and the English have a lot of problem. What a green shool is this! Students ride the health bike to make electronics, and they talk about the problem of the language that they use. This is the life of A.J's school before they found that Mr. Granite is from outer space. 

Mr. Granite didn't show them his real face, but he tried to went out by spaceship using potato energy. Well, he didn't succeed so he had to be caught at wind mill, but he would make spaceship again to get back to his planet, where he was living. Are there more aliens living together just like Mr. Granite? I really don't sure about them.

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My Weird School Daze #2: Mr. Sunny Is Funny! (Paperback) My Weird School Daze 2
Gutman, Dan / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2008년 7월
평점 :

A. J is a boy who really hates to think or study. So, when he studied hard, his brain was going to explode. However, there was summertime. It is a vacation for resting three months. The time of three months is for the children who are really hot at summer. 

A.J and friends went to the beach to enjoy their summer time. At summer time, they can do anything that they want. They swam, made sand castle, and enjoyed with Mr. Sunny, a man in the beach. However, A.J met several problems there. There were many peple, and they made problems. And there was also some sharks there. 

The people were going to drown at the water, but A.J saved them. However, they had to give them his breathe to save. He blew his breathe to them... and the other boys made jokes about that. So, they were just happy summertime events, I think.

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비로그인 2011-03-03 17:48   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
오빠, 나 수민이야. 오빠의 리뷰를 보면 엄마도 그렇구,나도 놀라게돼. 그리고 이렇게 긴 책을 어떻게 그렇게 빨리 읽어? 정말 대단한 것 같아. 계속 열심히 리뷰 써줘~ 그럼 계속 들어와서 추천해줄게~★

최상철 2011-03-04 00:39   좋아요 0 | URL
감사 수민 ^^
Winnie's Jokes (Paperback) Winnie the Witch 16
밸러리 토머스 지음, 코키 폴 그림 / Oxford University Press / 2010년 1월
평점 :

음... 정말 오랜만에 소개할 내용이 없는 책이 등장했다. 마녀 위니 시리즈의 동화책을 예전에는 꽤 재미있게 읽었었지만, 지금은 상당히 흥미가 떨어져 있었다. 하지만, 이 책을 읽으면서 느꼈던 점은, '아, 이 책을 빠른 시간 내에 읽는 것을 보니 내 영어 실력이 상당히 상승했구나!'하는 점이었다. 과거 그 얇은 동화책도 상당히 오랜 시간을 잡아먹었던 것 같은데, 위니가 들려주는, 재미있는지는 별로 모르겠는 농담들을 10분 내로 읽어낼 수가 있었다. 

Well, let's introduce the jokes of Winnie. Winnie is a witch full of humor and jokes. She really loves to be funny, so she is going to tell you all about the jokes that she knows. Well, some ones were quite funny. 

"There are fish that can't swim. Who are they?" 
-"The dead one!" 

If you want to read English with laughing, than I would recomment this book for children.

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Castle Medieval Days and Knights (Hardcover, Pop-Up)
로버트 사부다 지음 / Orchard Books / 2006년 8월
평점 :

봉건 제도를 바탕으로 하는 기사들 이야기. 아이들은 의외의 부분에서 멋있다고 느끼며 좋아한다. 그러한 것들에는 황야를 바탕으로 질주하는 카우보이, 중세시대의 중무장한 기사 등이다. 기사를 보면 보통 한 가지 이해되지 않는 점이 있었다. 방어력을 비약적으로 높이고 느려지는 것을 택했다면, 빠르게 원거리 사격을 하는 적에게는 어떻게 대항할 것인가? 중세 유럽인들이 민첩한 몽골 기마병을 이겨내지 못한 점을 보면, 이들도 꽤 고전을 면치 못했으리라 생각된다. 

하지만, 이 기사란 제도는 봉건 영토 당시에는 꽤 잘 쓰였던 것 같다. 유럽인들이 쓰는 무기는 몇 가지로 한정되어 있었기 때문이다. 해봐야 도끼, 검, 창, 궁 등의 범위를 벗어나지 못했다. 화약을 이용한 폭발형 무기가 없었으니, 중보병을 막을만한 무기는 거의 없었다고 봐야 한다. 이로 인해 기사들은 중세 전력의 중심이 되었다. 기사들이 마갑을 씌운 말을 타고 돌진시, 이 돌진을 막아내는 방법은 없기에 방어 진형을 흩뜨려 놓기에 좋은 전력이다. 

그렇다면, 이러한 기사를 탄생시킨 배경은 어떤 것이었을까? 기사는 봉건적인 제도를 바탕으로 탄생했다. 봉건제란, 왕이 여러 영주들에게 토지를 나누어주고, 이 영주들에게 자치권을 부여해주는 것이다. 세금 이외에는 일절 간섭하지 않으므로 이 땅은 온전한 영주의 것이라 할 수 있다. 이 영주들도 자신만의 영토를 무장한 장교와 같은 기사들에게 나누어주는데, 이 영토로부터 농노들의 세금을 걷어들인다. 이러한 과정에서 영주의 영토를 얻기 위하여 기사 계급이 발생한 것이다. 

이러한 이야기들을, 멋진 팝업북으로 읽는 것이 매우 흥미로웠다. 펼치는순간 등장하는 입체적인 건축물들과 사람들. 그리고 회전을 통한 부가 기능까지 합치면, 꽤 다양한 재미를 느낄 수 있는 책이었다. 부족한 부분은 접어넣은 설명으로 인해 추가 설명을 볼 수가 있었고, 심지어 이 추가 설명을 펼칠 때에도 입체가 튀어나온다. 

The English stories made me interested about this book. The horseback battle was the confrontation between knights, so they used long lances and charged! If the two heavy horses and knights charges, than I think they wouldn't survive from that charge. 

The knights stories will be passed for a long times, because they are really interesting. When the gunpowder invented, the life of knights ended, too. The artillery made castle wall became useless, and the armor of knights were pierced by the guns. However, they were great warriors, I think.

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