The Library Book Mystery (Paperback) Walker High Mysteries 5
Robins, Eleanor 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2006년 8월
평점 :

언제나 작은 미스터리가 주변을 멤도는 책. 이번 편에서도 책이 사라지는 작은 미스테리가 발생했고, 그 주인공과 친구들은 평소에 그래왔던 것처럼 서로의 문제를 해결해준다. 이번 편에서는, 발표 준비를 위해 도서관에서 책을 빌린 린이 책이 사라지는 곤란을 겪은 일이다. 누가, 어떤 목적을 가지고 그녀에게서 책을 훔쳤는가? 

They are really small, easy mysteries, but I still like them because they are quite fun. Lin had to prepare presentation by her book, but someone stole her book. This must be a one who wanted to get a better grade than Lin. At first, Lin's friends and teacher didn't thought someone stole her book. They thought there was no reason to do that. However, there was a one who just wanted to be the first. 

Making others in trouble is not the way to make themselves better. They should try harder to win, not making others in trouble. Kris wanted to win Lin by making her hard, but she couldn't do that because Lin had good friends. So, this mystery solved well this time, too.

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Pippi Goes on Board (Paperback)
아스트리드 린드그렌 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 1977년 2월
평점 :


삐삐 롱스타킹의 모험 이야기. 항상 새로운 모험을 찾아다니고, 또한 집 안에 가만히 있기만 해도 모험이 알아서 굴러들어오는 어린 영웅, 삐삐. 말라깽이이지만 엄청난 힘을 소유하고, 캡틴 롱스타킹이 남겨준 금화로 인해 엄청난 부자이기까지 하다. 하지만 아무것도 모른채 때묻지 않은 순수한 생각을 유지하는 소녀, 삐삐. 과연 이번 편에서 그녀는 무엇을 만날 것인가?  


Before, Pippi had a lot of adventures. She always said to her people that her father is the Carnibal King, and I thought she was lying. Well, it was true, and she had funny times with her father. She played a lot at her father's island, and went back to her place where she was living. And now, Pippi found new adventures. 

Pippi's father visited her, and she had enjoyed that moments a lot. She had farewell to his friends, and had to go to aboard with his father. Pippi's stories are always special. I feel comfortable while I am reading her story. So, next time, Pippi would traveling somewhere else with his Carnibal King father, Captain Longstocking. 

아스트리드 린드그렌의 이야기는 영화로 만들어졌을 정도로 많은 인기를 누렸고, 지금도 아이들은 무적의 소녀 삐삐의 이야기를 읽으면서 많은 것들을 느낄 수 있을 것이다. 앞으로도 삐삐의 이야기가 아이들에게 많이 읽히기를 바란다.

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The Case of the Bad Seed (Paperback) Pageturners 1
Schraff, Anne E. 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2009년 9월
평점 :

다섯 편의 추리 소설 이야기. 이 미스터리한 다섯 편의 이야기들을, 탐정이 등장하여 해결한다. 76page, 분량은 매우 적어서 추리 소설 중에 단편 소설에도 미치지 못할 분량이겠지만, 이야기들은 충분히 재미있고 흥미진진했다. Bad Seed의 케이스는 지금도 그 이야기 내용이 기억에 남는다. 

There was a 70 years old, an overweight man with a huge mustache. Nikki Peters looked a advertisement about a job. The payment was outstanding, and this said her work would be fun and challenging. That was true. This strange detector gave her a lot of strange accidents. 

The Bad Seed can be the start of these stories. Nikki and the detector, Colin solved a problem about Bad Seed. The story occured in strange way. There were a pursuit battle to catch the criminal but the criminal also ran into Nikki. There were a lot of times that made her difficult. So, it was true that detector made her a strange, challenging stories. 

I think five cases will be funny, all of them. I would try to read the others quickly.

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The Lucky Falcon Mystery (Paperback) Walker High Mysteries 10
Robins, Eleanor 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2006년 8월
평점 :

각 학교 대표 팀에는 그들을 상징하는 문구나 마스코트, 신물이 있기 마련이다. 물론 워커 하이 스쿨의 풋볼 팀에도 그들의 승리를 기원하는 행운의 신물이 있다. 바로 행운의 독수리이다. 이 나무로 깎아내어 만든 신물은, 워커 하이 스쿨의 연승에 도움이 되었다고 선수들에게 생각되었고, 이번 경기에서도 이 신물이 위력을 발휘하길 기다렸다. 하지만, 경기 전에 이 신물이 사라져, 풋볼 팀 전체가 침울한 분위기에 빠져 있는 것을 모면하지 못했다. 

It is a great meaning that a lucky things would help me to be lucky. The football teams really thought the lucky falcon helped them, so this shouldn't disappear. However, there was someone who thought it was just a piece of wood. This piece of wood was the mascot of football team, but the criminal didn't knew that. 

The process of this story, the boy-friend of Gail became the victim, but Gail's trust about Mark was true. He was Newton High School, which school have a football play with Walker Hight school. He had reason to steal this, but he didn't. The truth was a girl who was mad at his boy friend didn't allow her to touch the piece of wood. They could finally find the falcon, and this falcon would be more important after.

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The Clown Costume Mystery (Paperback) Walker High Mysteries 3
Robins, Eleanor 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2006년 8월
평점 :

워커 하이 스쿨은 항상 다양한 비밀로 가득찬 곳이다. 그리고 이번 편에는, 웃기기 위해 만들어졌지만 때로는 공포물의 소재가 되기도 하는 광대가 등장했다. 스티브는 광대로 변신해 사람들을 웃기고 싶어했지만, 수금함 옆에 있던 광대를 어떤 사람들이 보고, 그 이후에 수금함의 돈들이 사라져 자연히 스티브가 범행 현장으로 몰린다. 과연 그는 그가 범인이 아니란 사실을 증명할 수 있을까? 

Steve really wanted to be famous, not stealing the money, but his dream was fainted. There was a clown who stole money from the ticket money box. So, Steve who wore clown costume had to find the another clown who was wearing like that. Who stole the money? Why the clown wore the same cloth with Steve? 

Well, it was a boy who wanted to stole money by making Steve in problem. The problem got well this time, but I hope the mysteries won't make students too harmful.

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