My Brother's Famous Bottom Gets Pinched (Paperback) Jeremy Strong 2
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Puffin / 2007년 4월
평점 :

I really like Jeremy Strong seires, because I admit that this series is a masterpiece of comic books. Well, some people think that this books are too extraordinary, or disorder. Yes, they are all true. The Main Characters of these books are disorder and even unique. However, these makes this book more fun. The existed refined books are can be clean, but this disorder stories can give you even more fun! 

There are three books about Nicholas' brother's famous bottom. I don't know why people are enthusiasm at his bottom, however the family could go trip because of their famous star. And, there appear people wearing diaper who called big babies. Well, I don't wanted to read this because it was too stained. 

Maybe it's hard for you to read this series. But the strange characters have different personality and makes it more fun.

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My Granny's Great Escape (Paperback) Jeremy Strong 15
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Puffin / 2007년 1월
평점 :

Well, I can't understand why old people can fall in love each other. Do they like each other's wrinkles? Or do they like each other's hoarsen voice? Maybe this is because the old people can understand each other. Young children can play together because they understand each other and have same hobit. And elderies are same, too. They can understand each other, and have same hobby. That's why they can fall in love each other. 

But, if the partner is like a crazy drivers, maybe people will oppose it. Granny's sweetheart was a grandfather who like to drive motorcycle so fast. Granny liked it, and they wanted to marry. So, this special couple make troubles between Nicholas' family! 

Well, they finally get married, and this is a good ending. I still can't understnad how they can merry, but they will be happy, won't they?

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There's a Pharaoh in Our Bath! (Paperback) Jeremy Strong 22
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Puffin / 2009년 1월
평점 :

There were always a lot of stories about undead monsters, and one of them was mummy from pyramid. The mummies are the dead bodies of the ancient Egyptians. Some rich people could be a mummy by their wealth. And Pharaoh were mustly made into mummies. And unfortunately, a pharaoh lived for thousands as a mummy! And now, he met a present age and living a new life! 

Sennapod was robbed by the grave robbers, but he could alive with miracle. He went out from his coffin, and run away from that place. This was the start of Pharaoh's funny advanture, and the start of Ben's family's hardship. 

Pharaoh made the family quite hard, but he also made them a funny time. He enjoyed the every parts of this land, and his reaction made me quite fun. If I have a friend who comes from the past like Pharaoh, then what should I do? If he was the king of ancient city, then I should have a worse life I think.

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The Secret Message Mystery (Paperback) Walker High Mysteries 8
Robins, Eleanor 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2006년 8월
평점 :

시험 기간이 끝나고 오랜만에 워커 하이 스쿨 시리즈를 다시 읽게 되었다. 사소한 오해들로 문제가 발생하는 이 고등학교에서, 이번에는 스티브의 거짓말로 시작된다. 암호풀기를 매우 좋아하는 퀸의 장단에 맞추다보니 스티브도 암호 풀기를 좋아한다고 했고, 퀸은 그런 스티브에게 암호문 하나를 제시한다. 스티브는 이 암호문을 해결할까? 아니면, 퀸에게 솔직히 말할까? 

Yes, the result was not strange. Steve couldn't solve the codes, and his friends couldn't solve that too. The last choice was he had to tell the truth to Quinn. Telling the truth is sometimes really hard. We don't know the result that people will persuade us, so we can't step first. However, if we try, then I sure we can get a good result for that.

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Return of the Hundred-mile-an-hour Dog (Paperback) Jeremy Strong 17
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Puffin / 2007년 1월
평점 :

항상 새로운 주제를 가지고 새롭게 우리를 웃기는 제레미 스트롱. 이번에는, 마치 백막 불짜리 사나이를 표절한 듯한 제목인 백만 마일을 달리는 개 이야기였다. 바람처럼 달리는 개, Streaker가 일으키는 다양한 사건때문에 골치아파하는 주인공. 과연 이번에는 어떤 사건이 발생할까? 

Streaker means, as fast as wind. Well, this improve that this dog is really fast. Althought running hundred mile on hour is just a metaphorical expression, it can run as fast as wind and like to make problems. Streaker joined a locak dog show, and our hero, Trevor is going to have problem with his dog. Can he solve his problems well, or he have to meet police with his dog. 

Although a dog can make a lot of problems, I thought I want to have a dog like Streaker. Running fast as a jet hurricane must be annoyed, but it won't make me boring. I think Trevor is great. He must be annoyed being stepped on dogs, but he still enduring and raising Streaker. If I have a dog like Streaker, than I sware my life will be changed by this trouble maker!

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