[Garfield and the Teacher Creature
Garfield's advanture started again. This time, he went to a school to identify the teacher creature that appears at school. Garfield, and his friend, Odie went into the school to fight back the creature. 

There was a boy named Andy who was also curious about the teacher creature. He met with Garfield, and they acted together. But when they met the teacher creature, they were really surprised at the scary and horrible figure. He tried to catch the pets and the small boy. They had to run. 

Actually, the teacher creature was just a man to chase small boys out from the school. He also wanted to find out the secret of the school, but he also couldn't find the real teacher creature. Maybe it was a special advanture for Garfield and Odie. 

가필드의 모험은 항상 기괴함과 괴물들로 가득 차 있는 것 같다. 매번 끔찍한 형상의 괴물들을 만나고 가슴 졸이는 입장인데도 불구하고, 매번 모험을 떠나는 가필드가 대단한 것 같다.

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삐삐 롱스타킹 시리즈, 그 중 제 2권. 부모 없이 혼자 지내는 삐삐가 이번에는 혼자가 아닌, 그녀의 사라졌던 아버지와 함께 돌아왔다. 삐삐는 아빠가 카니발 왕이 되었다고 믿고서 그렇다고 말하고 다녔는데, 다시 그녀에게 돌아온 아버지는 정말로 한 섬에 도착해 그곳의 왕이 되어 있었다. 다시 아버지가 살던 캐니-캐니 섬으로 돌아가게 된 삐삐의 새로운 모험들이 시작된다. 

Pippi went to the Canny Canny Islant with her two friends, Tommy and Annika and her father, to meet the new family of her father. Pippi's super power was a great help to the children in the Island. There were several sharks, but she threw them away, and two pirates came but Pippi teached them that running away is much better. 

Pippi has a strange characteristics, so she didn't want to miss the white-Christmas day. So she went to her hometown again with her white friends. She had to say good-bye to her father, because he had to protect the island. 

Pippi's new advanture will be much funnier than this, I think. The super-powered girl's jobs are reallly great.

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Pippi Longstocking, Astrid Lindgren's one of the most famous story is the first story of ther books that I met. Yes, she was so famous, so there were a lot of series, and it made into the movie and the drama. Maybe it was really funny, wasn't it? 

Pippi is the special girl who lives strangely. She is the strongest girl in the world, so she can carry a horse with her one hand. The super-powered girl lives in the cottage alone, because her mother was dead when she was young and her father was disappered in the middle of the trip in the ocean. But she had a monkey named Mr Nelson and a suitcase fulled of gold. That's why she can live her own life happily. 

Pippi had several special advantures with her friends, Tommy and Annika. They are the ones who have their parents and live happily. Somethimes they really wants to live a life like Pippi, and I do so. She is really free and maybe she is the freeiest person in the world. 

I just understanded why many children were excited at Pippi. She is really special, and now she is still loved by many people.

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This time, Garfield and Odie lost in the middle of museum. Their master, Jon took his pet to the museum, and when he tried to chased the running Odie, the security guard took him out of the museum. Now the two lost pets are traveling the museum. And they found was... the living Mummy. 

Well, they met Cleo and the security guard, Peter but they were caught by the strange mummy. And they found out the mummy was the curator of the museum. He was crazy at finding the treasure of Paraoh, so Garfield made a great idea. He made himself like an real Mummy, and put the curator into the coffin by frightning him. 

Maybe they were really scared, but they could save two lives and the treasure of Paraoh. Odie and Garfield's next advanture will be started!

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영화로 먼저 만난 가필드. 이 뚱뚱한 고양이를 만들어낸 작가가 누구일지 궁금했는데, 과연 이번에 원서로 만날 수 있게 되었다. 하지만 상상했던 내용과는 조금 많이, 아니 너무 많이 달랐다. 정말 영화처럼 재미있는 모험을 하리라 생각했지만, 이 센스쟁이 고양이는 개와 함께 느닷없이 과거로 돌아가 한 마법사를 만나게 된다. 

The stroy start with the party about the middle age. Jon, who really like middle age enthusiased about the party, and he took Garfield and Odie to the party. He was to concentrated on the parades, so he couldn't watch the two pet making trouble. They were going around the party, and when they got into the water by accident, they found the another world. 

There were dragons, fairies, and a small cat, which want Garfield to help him recuing his master, the king. The another world was in trouble, that a wicked wizard appeared and shut king in the jail. The wizard wanted to dominate the world, but the trio solved all the problem by luck. Wizard disappeared himself by the mirror, and the two pet went back to their world by get into the water again. Well, maybe next series will quite funny, I think.

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