Abig lesson from history is realizing how much of the world hangs by a thread. - P5

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If you know where we’ve been, you realize we have no idea where we’re going. - P5

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그것은 아름다웠다. 은은한 황금빛으로 빛나며 천천히 움직였다. 그리고 지나간 곳에 역시 은은한 금빛으로 빛나는 안개 같은 흔적을 뿌렸다. 그 금빛 안개는 서늘하고 창백했으며, 바라보고 있으면 가까이 가고 싶어졌고, 가까이 가면 손을 담그고 싶어졌다.
그 아름다운 금빛 안개에 홀려 가까이 다가간 사람들은 모두 미쳤다.

-알라딘 eBook <저주토끼> (정보라 지음) 중에서 - P134

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"Life, really, is so unfair. Everyone is born the same way, but some steal husbands, others are sucked dry and spat out like used chewing gum …" - P56

The thin voice keeps talking. "Isn’t it funny? Two people are in the same car accident, but one lives to tell the tale, the other dies on the spot—" - P56

The thin voice casually goes on. "Don’t you think it’s so unfair? Alone when alive, and still alone when dead." - P56

"Be careful. One step at a time, slowly." It’s the thin voice, from a distance. - P58

The fox bled not blood but something that resembled gold. - P60

Oozing out of the long wound was a familiar glob of gold-colored liquid. - P62

The children grew. The man’s daughter had clear skin and large, dark eyes on her pale face, sparkling if expressionless, her black hair tumbling like a waterfall down her back. She had grown into a beautiful girl, but it was an impassive, cold, and somewhat sickly beauty. His daughter existed in a completely different way than ordinary girls her age, and thus, like a dark forest beneath the moonlight, her lack of emotion and secretive mystery exuded a certain seductive charm. - P65

In this way, he was still thinking of his daughter as no more than food for his son, who in turn was just gold for his purse. - P65

The man saw the glint of the fox’s golden eyes in his daughter’s pale face. - P67

That "something" was beautiful. A soft, golden glow that undulated slowly, leaving behind a faintly glittering fog in its wake. This golden fog was cool and pale, making one want to approach it when gazing at it, or place one’s hand inside it when next to it. Anyone who was seduced into going near the beautiful golden fog became insane. - P68

The child with the golden glow emotionlessly stared at the villager, his mouth half-open with his sharp teeth bared. - P70

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Our life is indeed the same as it ever was. . . . The same physiological and psychological processes that have been man’s for hundreds of thousands of years still endure. —Carl Jung - P1

Ionce had lunch with a guy who’s close to Warren Buffett. This guy—we’ll call him Jim (not his real name)—was driving around Omaha, Nebraska, with Buffett in late 2009. The global economy was crippled at this point, and Omaha was no exception. Stores were closed, businesses were boarded up. - P1

This is a book of short stories about what never changes in a changing world. History is filled with surprises no one could have seen coming. But it’s also filled with so much timeless wisdom. - P1

When transported to an unfamiliar world, you’d spend a few minutes watching people behave and say, "Ah. I’ve seen this before. Same as ever." - P2

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos once said that he’s often asked what’s going to change in the next ten years. "I almost never get the question: ‘What’s not going to change in the next ten years?’ " he said. "And I submit to you that that second question is actually the more important of the two." Things that never change are important because you can put so much confidence into knowing how they’ll shape the future. Bezos said it’s impossible to imagine a future where Amazon customers don’t want low prices and fast shipping—so he can put enormous investment into those things. - P3

But I’m very confident about people’s penchant for greed and fear, which never changes. - P3

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