Flashing sunlight or suffocating darkness, the blinding sky or the damp and moldy air of the cave, water as cold as ice or sticky humidity and feces—there was nothing in between for the boy and no foretelling of what would happen when. - P85

They both lived in the same cave, but the world of the boy and the world of the insect were so different. While the boy had finally found another lifeform with him, it was completely disinterested in the pain, expectations, or hopes the boy held. - P87

Not the cries of someone driven mad with fear, but the tears of someone who understood and was saddened by their own loneliness—the tears of a human being. - P87

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[eBook] 랑데부 - 이 광막한 우주에서 너와 내가 만나
김선우 지음 / 흐름출판 / 2024년 4월
평점 :

여행과 예술이 도도새로 피어나다.
사라진 존재가 화폭으로 되살아나다.
넘쳐나는 말들 속에 소통의 부재를 치유하다.

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She was my creation, a companion made by my own hands. A being who existed, from head to toe, solely for me—someone who was, for lack of a better way of saying it, completely and utterly "mine." - P75

They interacted with their masters and "learned" about them, and they used that information to "think" and "understand." Artificial companions, as time went on, changed and "grew" into the most optimal companion possible for their masters’ needs and desires. - P75

The beings I see before me are not the machines I had known—no, the machines I had thought I’d known. Whatever I’d believed before, these are not machines that resemble humans at all. - P83

The boy was dragged into the cave. - P85

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She had on a flowing white silk dress with billowing sleeves and a wide, silvery belt. Her face was pale as snow, and her hair dark as coal, draping past her waist. I thought she looked like the paintings of great beauties from the Tang Dynasty the opera troupe had hung around their stage. - P52

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even the smallest nudges to the present can have major impacts on the future. - P5

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